CHAPTER 12 Different Perspective

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"Alright, if you see new people what did you do?" Connor ask Elizabeth, who's in her doll body again with her new hairstyle that his father made for her. They're in the base with other and it's another Saturday morning, Jack, Miko and Rafael are crouaching around the coffee table watching Connor coaching the little girl for self defense.

Elizabeth wave her hand, answering Connor's answer, the boy slap himself. "No, you're not gonna waving your hand to say hello!! You supposed to play dead!" Elizabeth nod and become lifeless, Connor sweatdropped and sigh loudly. "Is too late, you already dead." Miko cuts him, "Actually, you're right! She's already dead!" Connor can't help himself and start laughing a little as he joined the others, leave the little girl confused.

Elizabeth is going everywhere with Connor now, the school, outside and the base. She just hiding in his backpack as they going around, she's not complaining and she make closer contact with team prime as well, that's include agent Fowler as well. Jack and Raf is no longer creep out by her appearance, the autobots is getting use to it by now as their charge brought her to a ride sometimes. She's love hanging out with them. There's still one particular autobot not enjoying her stay.

"Lizzy, sometime I can't always help you to get away with things and you had to help yourself. Please remember that." Connor want to make sure the girl understand, Elizabeth looks up towards him and nod her head confidently. "So, let's start this over. If you see new people what did you do?" Elizabeth do what's she supposed to do this time, play dead.

"That's it, good girl!" Connor pet her head, make the doll blush. Optimus walk into the room, the four human greet the leader. Elizabeth smile with her eyes and wave her small hand to say hello, Optimus gave a doll a small smile and wave back, he's also getting use to the doll as well. The leader walks towards Ratchet and the humans start chatting again.

"So, did she had any special abilities? Making lighting, fire?! Ice?" Miko start throwing questions at Connor, the boy looks at her, deadpanned. "Those what I do, alright? Lizzy..... Seems like can't do any of it." Connor looks at Elizabeth, who's want a hug from Jack, the boy just sigh and hug her, make the girl smile with her eyes to everyone. They all laughed a bit.

"If she leave the doll, the only one who can see her just me and my dad." Connor rubing his chin with his hand, thinking of an idea what she can really do. Raf holding Lizzy small hand, he looks at Connor. "Did she talk sometime?" Connor slowly nod his head. "Yeah, just some words. She's not a talkative type, and she's only speak when she's in her ghost form. Is still weird that I can touch her..." Connor looks down at his both hands, remember that his dad also can do the same as well.

"Dude, you can make magic and now talk to the dead? Even touch them?! That's crazy." Miko joke about it, make Connor force a smile. "You don't say....." Connor say it dryly, Elizabeth looks towards her big brother figure. She seeing him like a brother of hers, and Connor's dad as her father figure, she's like staying with them, a happy family that she wanted the most.

_A few minutes later_
The group start doing their homework, Raf is trying to explain the question to Miko and the other two doing the same as well. Elizabeth is siting on the table, bored. When everyone is not looking, she jump out from the doll body and wondering around. She floating around the room and stop few feet behind Ratchet, watching his every move, curious.Connor looks up and see Lizzy watching Ratchet, she's now on the railing. Connor sigh, he start standing up and walk towards the two.

Ratchet can feel the staring, is not in the bad way of course. He heard small footsteps, immediately knew who was it. Connor lay his back at the railing and hand crossing, Ratchet glare at his charge.

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