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Everyone watches in horror as Optimus got stab in the chest by Megatron himself, grin devilish at at leader.

Connor's eyes wild as he watches, his body didn't respond as he slowly losing grip on reality. Everyone call out for Optimus in agony as they watches Megatron pull out the sword stain with Optimus's energon, falling down on the ground.

"Now, boy..." The witch said as she walking towards him, summoned a scythe and raise it up high. "Is time to end this." The witches said as she had a evil smirks on her face, it was the last thing Connor see before he fainted.

Connor open up his eyes, finding himself back in the void, glowing eyes looking back at his tired eyes.

Connor chuckles weakly, feeling defeated. "This is it... isn't it?" Connor asked, as he saw the male silhouette standing not far away from him. "Is this want you wanted? Seeing me... defeated? Exhausted?... Dying?" Connor said tiredly as he looks down, the floor he stand now sinking slowly, like a quicksand.

Connor bite his lips, still looking down, shaking in fear a little. "I'm...sorry..." Connor mumble as the male silhouette stop walking towards Connor, shocked a little. "I don't know what my ancestor do to you all... but let me apologize for them, they didn't want this to happened, I had a gut feeling about it, they're feeling bad for you..." Connor said as the glowing eyes sharing the same like the male silhouette, shocked.

"So... I'm sorry, for what my ancestor did to you and become what you became today, goodbye." Connor said tiredly with a tired smile on his face, falling down into the dark void.

Before Connor can drop into the void, someone grab him by the hand, is the silhouette, his white glowing eyes looking into Connor's emerald eyes. "You... don't had to apologize." The silhouette talks, as his voice not echo and faded like before, still grabing Connor as the boy surprised by his action.

"You don't had to apologize for what they done, to us... to all of us." The silhouette said as the black cover his body slowly faded, reveal his army jacket and uniform, Connor jaw drop a little as he can finally see the male silhouette in his human side.

" The silhouette said as the black cover his body slowly faded, reveal his army jacket and uniform, Connor jaw drop a little as he can finally see the male silhouette in his human side

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The blode short hair man who wear seems like a pilot army uniform, gave Connor a relief smile, pulling Connor up from the hole he about to drop into. "Thanks to you... you show us a way to move on, instead staying here grief-ing about our past." That man said as he help Connor stand up, watching the other shadow slowly turn to dusk, nodding their head to thank the boy.

The man then softly touch Connor's cheek with his thumb, examine the boy with a warm smile. "Your kindnesses remind me of her, a lot." The man said as he let go of his hand, put it on Connor's shoulder. "W-who are you?" Connor asked, the man crouch down to meet his eye level, smile softly at the boy.

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