CHAPTER 11 Little Ghost Friend

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Folwer and Connor was having a lunch at a fast-food restaurant, Connor looks towards Folwer, a half of a burger still holding in his hand.

"Uncle Folwer?" The agent hum as he start drinking his drink, Connor continue. "Did... The base haunted?" Folwer spit out his drink as he heard the question, thanks god no one is beside them for a moment. "You know... Haunted by ghost or something? You know what I mean." Folwer whip out the stain as he asked the boy.

"Why would you think that?!"

A week ago
Connor is doing his homework with his friends at the autobot base, they chatting happily as they stop by the weird flickering lights in the main room. After a few seconds later, the lights turn back to normal.

"Ratchet, does this happen often?" Connor ask his guardian, Ratchet reply back as he face Connor." Just some power outage, not need to worry too much." Connor hum, still not trust that idea of that.

Four days ago
Connor pratice his magic in front of his three friends, they in a wild room that fill with nothing, a good place for magic exercise. "Guys?" Raf calling their friends, he's hugging himself, shivering. "Did anyone feel cool all of the sudden?" As Raf mentioned it, they all start shivering as well, confused, a shiver running down to their spine.

"Wow.... What?!" Miko surprised as she and the boys start walk out towards the room. The cool suddenly disappeared, they all look at each other confused.

Raf running back from the hallway he came from, Connor spot the uneasy boy. He went towards Raf, concern about his well being. "What is it?" Bee also ask the same thing as he looks the scared little boy, Connor is right beside Bumblebee as he ask Raf.

"It just..... I feel like someone is watching me.... It feel uneasy as someone stare behind my back!" Raf answer, Connor hum as he put his finger scratching his chin. Something's denefintly feel wrong.

Connor now staring as his bedroom ceiling, Folwer say that can't be possible because nothing bad happened when the people is using the base back before.... Whenever.

Connor huff as he start sitting up, open up his spell book for reassurance. Sudden coolness, light went off for few seconds, staring eyes? It's some plots that come out from the scary movies! He's really not a person who trust paranormal so much, but after the magic incident it changed his mind a bit.

"Right here, ghost." Connor point at the page, start reading out loud." If you feel an uneasy feeling and coolness in your surrounding, it's possible that you accounted a ghost. They're not hostile if you're not showing any hostility towards them, of course!" Connor roll his eyes and continue.

"It's possible you can locate them as well, the best equipment for this is a compass or electronic that detect their energy. It will bring you straight to them. When you encounter them, don't panic. Any movement will cost a lot of consequences, so don't run away and screaming like a girl. Oh, grandma..." Connor laugh as he read his grandma's warning.

"They'll look scary at first but soon they show you their oldself towards you, is their choice to show their existence towards living people. They can possess items for them to show their existence, the best is giving them dolls with both legs and arm, easy for them to move around. A woodo doll works as well so don't worry..." Connor feel uneasy as he read the last part, he shake his head and continue.

"I already prepare a guiding list for you to use when you seeking the strange identities and protect yourself from them, good luck!" Connor sigh and he read the rest, after the reading he decided, tomorrow he'll go ghost busting!

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