CHAPTER 20 Full Potential

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(A/n): if you want to know, I used the 2016 version of doomguy^^; enjoy!

There he is, the doom slayer, standing a few meter away in front of the boy as the portal still open behind the slayer, the boy stunned, he's clueless about where to start before the slayer blasted him with his shotgun on his hand. Connor trying to calm himself, suddenly a deep robotic voice speak up make the boy jumped 4 feet away from the ground. "The Slayer requested an explanation, boy." The voice is cool, but still make Connor shiver as he sigh, shoulder less tense. "Okay, but don't kill me with that, I mean no harm." Connor said as he point at the shotgun, the slayer looks at it, then looks at Connor, nod his head as a permission for Connor to speak up.

Connor sigh again, relief that the slayer gave him a change to explain. "I'm the one who open that portal, name's Connor Sebastian by the way, call me Connor." Connor introduce himself, the robotic voice speak up again after the introduction. "Then,Connor. Why are you summoned a portal inside our fortress?" He asked, Connor only frown at the slayer. "I need your help... Some of the demons of your world come to our world and I don't think I can stop them alone! There's hundreds... no, thousands of these guys! So....." Connor gulp, then continue.

"So I'll ask again for your assistance, please." Connor begged as he looks up at the slayer, worries wrote over the face. The slayer stay slience for a moment, then nod his head. Connor sigh in relief and sat on the floor, exhausted, the slayer was about to help him up but Connor stopped him by wave him off, snapping his fingers as the blue portal disappeared.

"Sorry… I never thought that portal can make me feel a little exhausted…" Connor explained as he slowly standing up, collect the book as well as he standing straight back up. "Thanks again anyway." Connor looks up to the slayer as he done dusting himself, smiling at him, the slayer nod his head again. "The slayer doesn't mind, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Vega, Slayer personal AI assistant." Vega introduce himself,the boy smile warmly at the slayer. "Nice to meet you then, Vega." Before Connor can continue, he notice a small footsteps behind him, he knew who it is then sigh and turn around.

"Lizzy, I told you waiting me at the main room! I don't want to scare you.…" Connor said as he crouching down, make the slayer kinda confused. Elizabeth slowly walks towards Connor, scratching her head as an apology as Connor hug her up. "Next time, just do as I said, okay?" Connor said as he turns towards the slayer again, Elizabeth raise her doll hand up as she looks at Connor, both Vega and slayer surprised to see the moving doll. "Now, Lizzy… meet Doomguy!" Connor said as Lizzy looks up at the tall figure, she's stunned for a second, but happily wave her small hand at him afterwards, surprisingly the slayer… Doomguy wave back.

"…The doll was not supposed to move, right?" Vega asked with a slightly skeptical voice, Connor chuckle by the reaction of the AI. "Well, if it doesn't possess by some ghost or spirits? Yep, it doesn't move." Connor explained as he pet Lizzy's head, who then slap his hand and climb out from Connor's grasp, climbing up and standing on his shoulder instead. As Connor about to grab her again, she slaps his hand away once again, and cross her arm looks away from him angrily, both Vega and Connor chuckle lightly by the small cute stubbornness. Before Connor can continue, Folwer burst into the room angrily. "Connor? How long do you need to summon a…" Folwer immediately shut up as he notice the tall figure standing behind Connor,  Connor smile awarkdly as he put his hand up towards Doomguy. "Ta…daaa?"

A minutes later…
Autobot's base(Main room)
The room only had Ratchet, Optimus, and the three humans, the others autobots  went to patrol. Jack walking back and forth at the human area, Raf and Miko sat on the sofa, watching him. "Jack, please just stop walking already…" Miko complaint as she wave the boy off, Jack stopped and looks at her with a 'are you serious?' face. "Those thing gonna attack here, if Connor doesn't fast enough to summon the doom…" "Guys!!" Connor cuts Jack, as the three of them walks towards the railing, looking down at him, Elizabeth sat on his shoulder as she looks up at them. "Where's he?" Miko asked excitedly, Connor smile as he use his thumb pointing his back, Fowler walking past Connor, he looks spook as the other examine the black American man.

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