CHAPTER 09 Talking

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Optimus greets the decepticon leader, still letting Connor stand in his hand. Connor, like everyone else in the room, gives a disgusted glare at the warlord. Megatron notices the small figure in Optimus hand, he smiles evilly.

"So, you're the pest who's able to get away from my minions? I'm quite impressed."

Connor crossed his hand, given the warlord the silence treatment. "Silent type? Just like your father." Connor's eyes open wild as Megatron mentions his father.

"State your intentions, Megatron." Optimus demands the evil leader, he smiles wickedly.

"Simple." Megatron holds up a glass container to reveal a limp figure no other than Connor's father, still in his uniform as he got a hand full of cuts and bruises.

Ratchet and Connor had shared the same look as they saw the limp figure, horror. "Give up half of your current Energon supply, and I'll let this human go." Megatron states as Ratchet start to snap at the warlord. "What had you done to the human?! He can't even fight back and yet it looks as if you've tortured him! It's a miracle he's still breathing after that!"

"Ah, he's alive? I was not aware of..."

This angers Connor more, as he's about to snap at the warlord as well, Optimus stops him.

"I shall agree to the terms."

Both Ratchet and Connor call out the leader at the same time, surprised by the decision that he just made. "You can't!" Connor whispers, as Ratchet gives his leader a concerned look.

"We'll meet tomorrow before sundown at these coordinate...."

Optimus looks straight at the monitor, anger fills in his voice but not showing it on his face. "No, Optimus....." Connor begs him quietly, as Megatron laughs evilly.

The laugh cause Connor's father to wake up, he started moving his position from laying to sitting, he used his hand as support because of a headache. "Dad?!" Connor's voice rings in his ear as he looks towards Connor from the screen, he whispers.


Connor feels relief after he hears his father's voice, 'he's alive!!' Connor thought to himself, as his father continue.

"Connor, are.... Are you safe?!" His father's voice shaken, making the boy tense a bit. "Yes, I'm fine! These big guys help me with it, don't worry!" His father smiled weakly.

"That's... Good to hear." The man put his hand on his head again, headache making the world around him spinning.

"It settled then, half of your emerging supply for this." Megatron shake the glass container, make the men accidentally bum his head with the glass.


Connor shouted as his father's head started bleeding, the man held the injured head with his free hand. His father looks at Connor, smiles weakly as the communication cuts to black.

"Connor...." Ratchet looks at the shocked boy, inside filled with anger as the warlord hurt his charge's father. Connor stares at the black screen, hand turning to fist as he holds his anger. Finally Optimus lets Connor down, he looks up towards the autobot leader. "It's not gonna be that easy, is it?" Connor asked as the leader gave him an unreadable expression.


Connor wakes up from a nightmare again, this time he doesn't wake up at the place he used to sleep in. He falls asleep on the couch after his conversation with Optimus, his memory kinda fuzzy after the autobot reply, he still remembers about the 50/50 chances that his father will be dead or alive after the deal, he rubs his face, feels tired of all of this.

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