CHAPTER 18 The King of..... Hell?

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The new comer had a staring contest with Kai, they stand between few feet away from each other, Kai move himself and stand in front of Connor, acting himself as a shield to protect his friends

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The new comer had a staring contest with Kai, they stand between few feet away from each other, Kai move himself and stand in front of Connor, acting himself as a shield to protect his friends. "Kaisel, you this little bastard!!" The man shout angrily as he walks towards Kai, pointing at him. "You had run away from your duty, again!" The man said in slightly British accents angrily as he's now standing in front of Kai, who roll his eyes. The autobots can only watch helplessly, they don't know what to do. "You had trap me in that hellhole for years, father!" "Don't start it, Kaisel." The man warn his son, who doesn't looks down from his father and start arguing with the figure he call himself father.

"Can't I had some break?! Keeping me in that room doesn't mean it'll keep me safe, it just keep me insane!!" "Kaisel. ..., You dare defined your father?! You're a prince!! Where's you manners when you talk to the elder s?!" "Oh?! Said so yourself, you don't even had manners when you talk to those comers from heavens!"


"Can any one of you calm down, please?" Connor stand in front of the two, the man notice the boy and eyes widened a little. "Connor Sebastian? Why the wizard of Sebastian be here?" The man's tone soften, Connor and Kai shocked by the response. "You...know me?" Connor said as he point at himself, disbelief. "Of course, you're a descendent of Sebastian. I had been watching you for a while, is been a hard time isn't it?" The man asked, Connor nod his head. "Yeah, magic practice, alien exist and... H-Hey! Don't change the subject!!" Connor shout as the man chuckle, then smirk at his son. "Meeting the chosen one so soon?" The man said, make Kai tsk in annoyance as he looks away from his father, this make everyone confused.

"The.... Chosen one?" Connor asked, the man chuckles and wave them off. "You'll find the meaning soon enough." The man reply with a smile, make all of them sweatdropped. "And I am calm now, thanks to you." The man said as he move himself in front of Connor, who stand his ground with cautions. " are?" Connor ask as he looks towards Kai, who's frowns his brows and cross his arm, head looking down, seems ashamed of something.

"I'm Lucifer the ruler of the underworld." Connor looks at the man who call himself Lucifer, shock to hear that name. "Lucifer?! The Lucifer?!" Jack said as he's shock as well, the man noded. "Wait... if you and Kai are related... that's mean..." Raf said as he looks at Kai, who still doesn't look up from the floor. "He's a prince?!" The four of the human shouted, the autobot was also shock as well. Lucifer put his hand on Kai's shoulder, who's very unhappy about the revel of his identities, Connor notice the demon's distress. "And now, if you excuse us we'll be gone back to where we belong..." Before Lucifer can finish, Kai push his father away and teleport to somewhere else.

"Ugh, Kai..." Lucifer cursed under his breathe, Connor looks at him, worry. "Let me go get him, where is he?" Connor asked, make Lucifer smile a bit. "He's that way." Lucifer point at the hallway near Bulkhead, who also turn and looks at the hallway as the demon lord point at it. "It would be wise if the person who find him is you, if he saw me... he probably will punch me out into the space ." Lucifer joke, all of the team looks at he shock and confused all in the same time. "I'll be waiting here, now off you go." Lucifer said with a smile as he wave Conner off, who chuckle nervosly as he went downstairs and go to the hallway to find Kai. As the wizard gone, the demon smile at everyone and asked. "So, what else do you want to know?"

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