Twenty Three | Shine Bright

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Twenty Three

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Twenty Three

Shine Bright


Two painful weeks of the exam are over. I didn't fall asleep on all the exams, thankfully. I know I said I don't give a damn about my results but deep down in my heart, I care. My case of Narcolepsy isn't the extreme kind and I still have the chance to go to university.

I'll just wait to see the results of the mock exam. I wish I can get into the university I dreamt of.

The past two weeks were tough, but Jungkook was there. He studied with me and woke me up when I fell asleep. He even tutored me in encouraging ways and didn't make me feel like shit.

You know when you don't understand a maths question and you ask a classmate. They explain once and you will kindly ask them to explain again. Then you still don't understand and the person will usually grow impatient. After explaining twice, I still don't get it but I will just act like I do and thank the person cause damn, I feel like a dumbass wasting other's precious time.

Jungkook is different. He's patient and he simplified the explanation into primary language to teach me. He even makes sure I get it every time and always randomly test me. When I aced a question, he celebrates with me together.

He makes me like maths more which is unbelievable. Maths has always been my born enemy, trust me.

The papers are returned. The teachers finished inputting marks and the result for the mock exam is out. Mr Jung is calling us to his office one by one to discuss the results.

I was summoned to the staff room during recess today. I know it's about the grades and I wouldn't lie, nervousness is eating me alive.

I knocked on the door and "come in" is heard.

Poking my head in, I saw my parents sitting across Mr Jung's desk. "Please have a seat, Lyra." Mr Jung smiled at me as I bowed to him.

"Hi, honey." My mom caressed my arm as I sat next to her.

"Okay, let's see." Mr Jung said and took out a piece of white paper. He placed it flat on his wooden desk. A bunch of numbers are shown on the report card and my eyes immediately trailed to the bottom of it. I gulped seeing my ranking in the form dropped drastically. Tears are pooling but I held it back.

My mom seemed to have notice and she continuously rubbed my arm, telling me it's okay.

"So," Mr Jung cleared his throat, "In English, Maths and Hangeul and History, you have a pretty good result. While some others are not as good as the others, I assume it's because of Narcolepsy?"

𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆  (ᴊ.ᴊᴋ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now