Thirteen | Can I Have This Dance?

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  Can   I    Have   This    Dance



"Lyra watch out!" Benson called out loud. I turned my head towards the other side of the hall to see a volleyball spiked towards me at a ridiculous speed. I closed my eyes, lips mashed and anticipated the impact but before it could happen, someone rushed in front of me and caught the ball with one hand.

I opened one eye and the other. Jungkook held the ball and walked over to Shawn, who I suppose spiked the ball.

Everyone gasped when Jungkook pulled Shawn by his collar, yanking the bulky boy up. "What did I warn you about going near her? Huh?" Jungkook growled. Shawn cracked his neck and stared back at Jungkook. "Just testing how far Jeon Jungkook can go for a girl," Shawn smirked.

"Well, and I told you not to try me." Jungkook threw a punch across Shawn's jaw without any warning. Shawn's whole body flew to the right from his powerful fist. Shawn cursed and ran to Jungkook as they started to feed each other with more.

"J-jungkook! Please stop, no!" I couldn't even step into their fight. The noise from the crowd attracted the teacher's attention. The teacher marched into the gym room madly and separated the two boys.

"Seriously boys? Fighting in front of the whole form?" He scolded. Although the fight came to a halt, they were still glaring at each other.

The teacher rolled his eyes and stood between them, cutting their staring contest. "Just snap out of it!"

Jungkook blinked as the sweat got into his eye, he lowered his head and apologised. "Sorry, sir."

"Shawn you clean the school hall after school and Jungkook, you clean the gym room. Do you both understand?"

Shawn scowled in annoyance whilst Jungkook stayed calm. "Yes, sir."

"Don't try to get away from it, you'll only end up cleaning all the toilets in school."

Pushing the wooden entrance open, I squeezed myself through the little space into the gym room. The room is dimmed, the only light source is from the sun blazing through the seams of the long curtains.

I gripped onto the strap of my school bag and walked further into the gym room. I cleared my throat, "um... Jungkook?"

Silence answered. I searched for him in the empty gym room and there was no sign of him.

𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆  (ᴊ.ᴊᴋ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now