I Hate My Friends

Start from the beginning

As I tried to sit up, Scar reached over to help me up by the elbow and she said to me, "Those shitasses from that Brute Force team banged you up pretty bad."

My eyes widened as I straightened my back and leaned back to rest against the couch. I swiftly surveyed the area, realizing that I was sitting on the sticky, leather green pullout couch in Tony's office.

Scar's words sunk in and I felt my already dry mouth dry even more as my heart began to palpatate.

'Oh. That's right.'

I licked my lips as I asked, "Where are they?" My voice was still gravelly, but I ignored it, wanting Scar to lay everything out on the table at once.

She shook her head regretfully, her jaw clenching in anger. "They got away." She told me with a dark look on her face, her hazel eyes full of restrained hatred.


"Fuck." I bit out angrily and then winced once more at the stiffness in my neck when I jerked my head too much.

'Son of a-'

"Isn't what they did against the rules or something?" I heard Gray pipe up confusedly. I looked at him to find him no longer glaring at Scar and instead, looking at me with pinched brows.

'These men wanted to kill me. Even if we had rules, do you honestly think they'd follow them?'

I shook my head at him, letting Scarlett take this one.

"In upper-tier races, nearly anything goes." She stated simply, looking out the window that is above the couch we were sitting on, and at the track. "Be grateful they didn't do anything worse other than give her whiplash." She continued, her jaw clenching once more.

She wasn't wrong. They could have done a number of things to sabotage my car which would have, oh I don't know, KILLED ME.

"Holy shit." Ben muttered, still standing by the wall and next to a picture of a nude woman's arse (how tasteful), and I nodded absentmindedly.

'You're telling me.'

Finally, John spoke up, "Who were they?" I heard the anger in his tone and I glanced at him confusedly to see him wearing a thunderous expression as he looked at me. 

I gave him a small apathetic shrug, playing with my fingers anxiously. "I honestly have no clue." I told him, my chest feeling tight.

'Fuck, this isn't good.'

"Well, we need to figure out who they were." John stated hotly and I silently arched a brow.

'Someone's riled up for no reason.'

Scar waved her arm in a dismissive manner as she replied simply, "I'll get Tony to get me his security cam footage and I'll use facial recognition software to identify the men." I nodded my head in agreement, knowing she was more than capable of doing it.

'Mate, she's hacked into the ISS server all because she wanted full access to the photos they've taken of the Earth.'

Gray, however, wasn't as convinced.

"And how are you going to do that, hm?" He questioned with a quirked brow, skeptical. "Are you going to hack into NASA or some shit?" He continued sarcastically and I sucked my teeth as I shook my head, knowing what was going to happen next.

'Bad move, mate.'

I could see Scar rearing up to retort something and I didn't have the energy to stop her.

"Okay, first off: NASA is the place you go to when you want to go to fucking space, not when you need facial recognition." Scar began with an eye roll. "Only an idiot would make that assumption."

Gray threw a glare at her comment, but she continued before he could protest.

"And secondly, yes. I'm going to hack into that 'some shit' as you so elegantly put it." She finished snarkily and I sniggered at the attitude she gave him.

"You? Hack?" He inquired, still not convinced. "Where did you learn hacking from? Hm? A fucking TV show?" He asked sarcastically and this time, I couldn't hold back my laugh.

'Poor, poor, ignorant boy.'

"Mate, she's already got an acceptance letter to Stanford at age sixteen and her father was a tech genius." I told him, still laughing in amusement.

'This kid cracks me up.'

Gray's eyes widened in surprise as his gaze snapped to Scarlett who was still looking out the window. "You've got to be shitting me." He blurted out and Scar nodded, not looking at him.

"I wrote a paper on thermodynamics when I was fourteen that got nominated for a Benjamin Franklin Medal. Then, I wrote a thesis on negative matter and hot dark matter at fifteen. My teacher gave it to her friend at Stanford and I got an acceptance letter the next day." She explained absentmindedly as she continued to gaze at the cars parked at the Sandbox down below.

I watched Gray as his jaw dropped and I let out a small bark of laughter.

"Y-you're kidding." He stuttered while blinking rapidly as if he was in some fever dream.

I shook my head once more, still grinning widely, "Mate, close your mouth before you attract flies." I told him, amused by his shock.

Before he could say anything else, John cut him off. "If you're done with cooing over Grace's genius friend," He began, throwing a glare at Gray, "we have more important things at hand." 

I nodded in agreement, my neck feeling less sore and my head feeling less foggy.

"Here's the game plan." Scar spoke up and got off of the couch and shifted her body so she could face the guys properly. "You dumbasses take Grace home. Make sure she's okay. I'll identify the assholes that tried to, you know." She then did the cutthroat motion over her neck and I rolled my eyes at her. "After that, we'll figure out where to go from there."

"Yes. The assholes that tried to, you know." I mocked, doing the same hand gesture she did, causing her to roll her eyes at me and flip me off like the child that she is.

"How original." I remarked sarcastically, then rolled my eyes at her as she stuck her tongue out at me while walking to the door to leave.

"Bitch, we both know you wouldn't care for my 'creativity'." She air-quoted 'creativity' and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Mate, we both know who would win in a hand-to-hand. I wouldn't tempt me." I told her coolly, knowing full and well that I'd kick her arse easily.

Scar arched a brow at me confidently as she retorted, "And we also both know who'd win in a race and who'd accidentally tumble off a cliff. I wouldn't tempt me either."

That made me bust out laughing.

"Ah." I sighed as I wiped a stray tear from my eye. "That's my girl." I continued with a shit-eating grin on my face. 

Scar mirrored my expression and shrugged nonchalantly. "Damn straight." She remarked smugly, placing her hand in the doorframe.

'Smug git.'

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