Respectfully Declining Dying

Start from the beginning

Doug was simply sitting down, chugging a beer while watching the comical scene unfold with a small grin on his face.

Out of the group, John was the one to come up to my driver's side door. When I saw him, he fixed his gaze on me, his brown eyes expressing his concern and also, surprisingly enough, his pride.

"What's with the long face, Johnny?" I questioned playfully, grinning widely at the eye roll he gave me.

"Look. Just be safe, okay?" He ordered softly and my heart melted for the millionth time in one week.

'CaLm DoWN hEarT.'

"Come on, John." I began cheekily, wanting him to smile and let loose a little. "Have a little faith."

My words worked since he gave me a small smile in response, making my grin melt into a full-blown legitimate smile.

Suddenly, an annoyingly familiar voice shouted, "Come on, lovebirds! Let's get this show on the road!"

I rolled my eyes as I peered over John's shoulder to see Scar standing next to Gray, smirking slyly. The knockoff Donald Trump was no longer there so I assumed she handled him, but I gave her a dirty look nonetheless that essentially told her that I was going to castrate her when all this was over.

'That little-'

"It's not you who I have to have faith in." John replied with a small chuckle, simultaneously both ignoring Scar's outburst of immature teasing and dragging me from my internal swearing at my mate. I tore my gaze from the Devil that wears Converse and looked back at John whose concern still shown through his eyes. I felt my gaze soften as I looked at him.

"John. This isn't my first rodeo." I said gently. "I'll be fine."

'Say something that's, oh I don't know, INTELLIGENT.' My brain scolded.

On sheer instinct, my hand reached out and ruffled his hair.


I couldn't stop it and, to be honest, I didn't want to. I had been able to determine that this action is supposedly calming to him. And I like doing it. So why the fuck not?

The minute my hand touched his head, John froze under my touch, but slowly relaxed as I massaged his scalp.

"I will be fine." I enunciated slowly and calmly, wanting him to believe me and not worry so much. John's eyes flitted back to mine, an intense gaze in them. I sucked in a sharp breath as my unease about the new racers was then replaced with good tingles in my fucking tummy.

'Son of a bitch, he's hot.'

I know that if we were alone in that moment and it was just the two of us...more...might have happened between us. I'm just saying! The way my heart was racing mixed with the deep and sincere gaze he was giving me was a nice recipe for my fucking downfall.

'Cue the MGK.'

Our little moment, however, was interrupted by, "John! Get your ass over here and let our girl drive!"

I busted out laughing uncontrollably when I heard John let out a low growl and mutter under his breath, "Fucking Grayson."

"Let's go, simp! Time's a-wasting!" Gray continued to shout, purposely trying to get a reaction out of his cousin, and I let out another laugh as I retracted my hand so that I could place it on the steering wheel instead.

"I suggest you listen to your cousin before he brings you back there himself, dragging you by the ear like some grandma." I told him, a grin taking over my face, causing John to chuckle and pulled back from the window.

"Probably a good idea." He agreed before throwing me one last grin and then walking back to the stands with his hands in his pockets, looking illegally attractive.

'Holy fucking hell, mate. Let me breathe before you go and do that shite.'

With a deep, albeit shaky exhale, I faced the road and tightened my grip on the steering wheel, knowing I should be more focused on not dying instead of how good John looked.

'I've done this shit dozens of times before; this time won't be any different.'

Can you tell I tried to convince myself of this? Yes?

Pathetic, I know.

Also, fOrEshAdOWiNg.

"ON YOUR MARKS, RACERS." The voice from the intercom boomed, disrupting me from my apprehensive thoughts. I let out another breath and set my eyes determinedly on the track ahead; the sun in the distance did not really help with settling my nerves.


'Breathe, Grace. Fucking BREATHE.'


'Talking in the third person is probably a sign of insanity.'


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