"Come on, don't dish this on them Haz, I know they love you." Gemma stuck her tongue out. Sweet little Gemma. No.

Hmm...love me? I don't know, maybe back then. But not now. Its obvious that they might hate me because I left them. "I don't know..."

"Okay, lets just keep moving on. Dad you pick the topic." Gemma said. Dad's turn.

"I choose personal life. This family needs to get a talk about it. Harry I want you to start." Dad says. Why me? I guess he wants to know why I'm so rotten today.

"I just separated from the lads. One Direction is taking a short break. Dani is no where that we all know off. Someone probably is hunting me down. I have no chance against a fellow mate. Okay." I finally end it.

"Come on, there's got to be more than that." Mum says. She already knows. She's trying to make me blow. But I don't want to. But she insists.

"Mum, you already know, that goes for Gemma too..." I pause. "dad probably knows too...and why do you want to make me blow up? I don't have anything else to say..."

"Harry, don't lie I know you're troubled." Mum says in a different tone.

"Mum would you just stop. I don't need to be any more stressed than I am already. I'm sick and tired of it. To be honest, mum you've been scaring me a lot. Dad is never home and Gemma is being like you mum. My voice is calm but my mind isn't.  Try being supportive once in a while. My family has changed, I don't know why I'm even here. You say you all love me, but I don't feel the love. All I feel is the none sense you're telling me. If anyone needs me, then don't." I say and run out to the house. The nearest place to stay in is 10 blocks. But I can run it. Not like I can't. I've been through worse.

Finally I reach a hotel. I rented a room. But I know I'm not safe anymore. The papparazzi or some fans might have seen me already and now they're tweeting to the boys. I'm being betrayed, ain't that lovely. I went to my suite and jumped into bed. I'm tired and in need of rest. All that running can tire me out. Room service will surely make me feel better. 



After all the food I eat, I'm ready to die. My stomach is going to burst if I had to eat one more bite. Ugh...I can surely sleep like a king at this time.

Niall's P.O.V.

Christmas tree is half way decorated. With the time we lost, its not a shock. Messing around with the tinsel, bulbs, globes and the socks is why we're so behind. And Liam tied up earlier didn't make a difference. But I feel sorry for him, you know, because of the tape pulling and being tied up. Remember the stockings? If yeah, then Louis didn't take the socks off his hands. He says it keeps him warm. At least Zayn stopped playing with the bulbs but now he's messing with the mirror. The things my mates do.

"ZAYN GET YOUR RETARD ASS OVER HERE!" Liam shouted, Zayn was in the bathroom so it would probably echo from here.

"GET A LIFE!" Zayn shouted back. Okay, these two are bringing down my Christmas spirit. 

"TELL THAT TO YOURSELF!" Liam soghouted more louder.

"I'm gonna push you both off a cliff if you both don't shut the fuck up." Louis finally spoke up. Thank you Louis.

"ZAYN! Should be here helping." Liam emphasized Zayn's name. Ziam moment.

"Or maybe LIAM! Should stop bothering me." Zayn responded. When are they going to stop? Never is my guess.

"You know what I smell?" Louis asked us.

"No, what?" We all asked, even Zayn did.

"BULLSHIT!"  Louis shouted. We all laugh, falling onto the floor. Louis can make this noisy day into a humor filled one.

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