As soon as the door shuts my dad talks. “ sit down mbuso. Call your brothers and tell them to come here when Ngwende is done with them. ” I nod. I call sicelo and let him know then hang up. The dads sit down and I do too. “ why do I feel like I am going to be interrogated or maybe you want to hold an intervention about that girl sims?. ” my mother really hates sims and that is not going to change. I see it now. “ what is your problem with sims my dear wife? ” my mother shakes her head.

“ So this is about her. I can’t believe this Qwabe. You are here to ask me questions about that girl who’s already dividing my family?!. ”

“ bonga loves her and you are hurting our son by not accepting the woman he loves. What did she do to you?. ”

“ I have already had this conversation with mbuso and bonga and I am not going to talk about it furthermore. I don’t like her and you won’t make me like her or accept her as much daughter in-law!. ”

“ don’t raise your voice at me owami. ” my mother looks down. I can feel anger coming off from him directed to my mother. “ baba ingabe konke  kukahle? ( dad is everything okay?) ” he shakes his head and looks at my mmother and she sighs

“ Qwabe I’m sorry this is upsetting you but that’s how I feel. Why can’t you all let it go and not make it this big deal? ” she gives my dad this look that she does whenever she wants something to go her way. My dad in the other side has no emotion. “ we are waiting for two people to get here then we will all sit down and talk. ” I look at my mom and she’s confused as I am.

“ dad did thembi say something after I left? ” I ask him and my chokes on the tea she was drinking. I get up and Pat her on the back until she breathes fine. “ who’s coming Qwabe? ” she asks.

“ the lukhele family they asked to see thembi before she dies ” he says. Wait what?. I thought sicelo said that bonga chopped thembi's head off with a machete?. So are they here to take her body bag or they had a hand and now dad wants to kill them too?.

“ There’s no need for them to come here Qwabe. You could have just sent her body to her parents but if they did know what their child was planning and they hid it from us then they deserve to die. ” she says.

“ do you deserve to die my wife? ” my mom’s eyes get big like bugs eyes.

“ Baba what the hell?!. ” he laughs like what he just said is funny, which is not.

“ got you didn’t I? ” he says still laughing but I notice that the other two dads are not laughing.

“ not funny Qwabe. You almost gave me a heart attack. ” she says smiling.

“ do you remember the vows we took and the promises we made to each other? ”

“ I still do. You kept each and every promise and you gave me everything you promised me. ” she looks at him adoringly.

“ and what did ask you to do for me?. Promise me? ”

“ To never lie to you, keep things secrets from you and to show you respect always. ” she says softly.

“ Did you keep those promises to me? ”

“ Of course my husband I did. How can you even ask me that. ” my aunt walks in and she looks at us weirdly.

“ what is going on?. You are all having a family meeting without me? ”

“ no sisi ( no my sister) you are just in time.” He smiles and my aunt sister next to my mom. Bonga, sicelo, sbu and Frank all come in and they look like hell.

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