Chapter 28: Planning

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I hope Ana is feeling better. Seto kept glancing at his phone. It had been a few days since she'd called him, and he couldn't keep his mind focused on his work. Screw it. He pulled up a new tab on his computer and started outlining what he thought would be a fun thing for them to do within 24 hours. I should probably get her away from her family so they don't interfere. I guess we could do something in Domino city then, but that's six hours away. Oh, we could take the Blue-Eyes jet... The look on her face would be pretty funny, but what if she's afraid of heights?

Seto's eyes slid back over to his phone. It couldn't hurt to ask... Could it? He decided it would be better to know since based on her answer, it would require him to change his plans. He picked up his phone and messaged her.

Seto: Are you afraid of heights?

He sat there staring at his phone for a couple minutes, his hands sweating. Why is this so nerve-racking? It's just a text.... Is she busy? Should I try again later? Or was it weird of me to message her?

Ding! He let out a sigh of relief when he saw the response.

Ana: No.

Seto: Are you afraid of planes?

This time she responded right away.

Ana: No... You're not planning on having me jump out of one, are you?

He glared at his phone. Even in text, she still sounds defensive and snarky.

Seto: Of course not! Do you really think I'm a total piece of shit?

He sent the message, then realized he didn't actually want her to answer that question.

Ana: Well... Not a total one, I suppose.

Seto rolled his eyes before responding: Fine. That's all the questions I had.

He set down his phone expecting that to be the end, but it dinged again.

Ana: Amin-chan, you almost sound hurt. She sent a smiley face with its tongue sticking out.

What? I'm not hurt. And you can't hear how I sound through text! Ding.

Ana: I'm betting your thinking that I can't hear how you sound through text. Hehe.

Seto's face grew warm. She'd guessed right about his thoughts. He put his head in his hands and let out a groan. Since when did she learn to read me? He shook his head and focused on planning the trip. If she can fly, then anywhere within Japan should be doable, but where to take her? He researched trip ideas, but the more he read, the more unsure he became. She thinks she's doing this as a favor, so if I take her to a sightseeing place, she might get suspicious and outright refuse to go. It has to be somewhere that she thinks she's working, but not... Oh. A satisfied smile spread across his face as he thought of the perfect place. He picked up his phone and messaged Ana asking if the Sunday three weeks from now would work for her. She replied that it would as long as her doctor cleared her. Then she asked him what she would need to wear. He thought about it and replied casual clothes. When he finished setting up the time that he would pick her up, he called in Inu-san.

"You rang, sir?" Inu asked, looking excited.

"Uh, yeah. I need casual clothes. What do normal people where?" Seto asked, feeling a little self-conscious.

"Pardon? What's the occasion?"

"I'll be doing a lot of walking outside and touring." Seto kept it vague. He didn't want Inu to know his plans.

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