Chapter 5 Blackmail for Blackmail

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"What are you doing here Amin-chan?" Ana eyed Seto's suit and tie. He cleans up nice. Now if he just didn't open his mouth.

"What are you doing here?" He seemed genuinely shocked.

"Kaiba-san, welcome." An older man with streaks of gray in his hair, sharp eyes, and a proud demeanor, confidently walked up to Seto and shook his hand. Ana plastered on her greet-the-guest smile when she heard her father's voice. She didn't feel like being grounded because she was rude to someone in their own home.

"Sakurai-san, nice to meet you."

Huh? He knows my father's name but doesn't know mine? Amin-chan isn't Amin-chan for nothing. Ana could feel her eye twitch, but she kept her facade up.

"I'm assuming you know my youngest?" He put a hand on Ana's shoulder.

Seto remained straight-faced and put on the most businessman smile she'd ever seen. "Of course, she showed me around my first day in town."


"Oh? It's nice you are getting along. Come on in." As soon as her father turned, his back Seto's smile disappeared.


Seto smirked at her. "Yes, Sakurai-san?"

Ana made sure her father was out of earshot. "Good for you. Your ears weren't stuffed full of concrete this time. Even a four-year-old knows enough to listen when someone's being introduced."

She could see his eye visually twitching. They headed to a large dining room in the back where the dinner was taking place.

"This is your place, Kaiba-san." Ana's father directed him to his seat. "Ana, I've changed your placement. Sit here."

Her father gesture to the seat next to Seto, and it took her full self-control not to purse her lips.

"Why the seating change?" She did her best to keep a pleasant smile.

"You're the closest in age to one another and since you get along, I thought it would be less awkward if Kaiba-san had someone familiar to sit by." Her father smiled pleased at himself, then went to answer the door when it rang.

"Your father is so considerate," Seto spoke only so she could hear. She heard the irritation in the last word, but he kept his businessman smile as other guests in the room inspected him.

Ana sighed, then took her seat. The last person entered the room and was settled. Her father gave his usual welcome and let's eat speech. The chefs brought out the appetizer, a small gelatin type dish called sakizuke. Seto sat quietly looking around the room.

"Looking for someone?" Ana stabbed her gelatin with her spoon, earning a glare from her mother across the table.

Seto eyed her before answering, "I'm looking for a Negoa-san. Do you know him?"

She stopped mid-bite and frowned. "Negoa-san... What do you need with the head of a marketing company?"

His eyes widened before he went back to his food. He took a slight bite and smiled at Ana's mother who seemed pleased with his manor, but Ana could tell he was mostly picking at the dish and not interested in it.

"Are you going to eat? You can't pass out here."

"I'm not hungry." He sounded sincere and tired. Black circles lined his eyes, and his skin tone was pale. This guy is going to die young. It's not good to be a workaholic so early in your life.

"Negoa-san didn't rsvp, so he's not here," Ana finally explained.

Seto sighed and rubbed his eyes. Ana had thought since his weird reaction at school that he seemed kind of empty.

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