Chapter 38: Drinks

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"I didn't expect you to admit that so openly in front of other people," Sanae said to Seto after Ana had gone down the stairs.

"Why should I deny it?" Seto rolled his eyes and focused on grilling the skewers.

"Ana's going to get teased about it."

He looked back at her and raised an eyebrow. "What, why?"

She sighed and shook her head. "Because that's how people are. Anyway, if you want to win her over, you should probably be a little nicer to her friends. Girls don't like it when you're a total ass to their friends."

"If some people who's name you don't even know started asking you about your feelings for someone, would you respond kindly?" Seto glared at her, and Sanae looked thoughtful.

"No... I supposed not, but you still could have deflected it a little more politely."

Seto's eye twitched from irritation. "I've invited you all into my family's property and I'm making you all lunch. I think I'm being pretty nice. Though when you all keep asking irritating and invasive questions, you're making it hard for me to be."

"You're making lunch for all of us?" She looked down at the food, shocked.

"You think I'm really going to eat all of this by myself?"

She opened her mouth, then seemed to think better of it. Instead, she headed down the stairs to the beach and over to Ana. Seto watched them from the top while he cooked. The girls seemed to swarm Ana and Sanae. What's going... Oh, now I get it. It's because I admitted I liked her. Well, whatever. It's not like it was a condition of our agreement to keep it secret. After a few minutes, Ana and Sanae escaped to the ocean. He hadn't been given time when they'd bombarded him with questions earlier, but now that he was alone, he took in how Ana was dressed. Her suit was tight and accentuated her toned body. He liked that she'd chosen a one piece. He might have hit some of the guys if they stared, and right now he was trying to be nice.

"So, you really do like her."

"Ugh. Go away Yugi." Seto glared at Arata who'd come back up the stairs. The redhead was staring at him and smirking.

"My name's not Yugi! Why do you keep calling me that?" Arata huffed.

"Because you butt into people's business and act overly friendly, even though I obviously hate having you around me." Seto snapped. All the annoying questions and people today were getting to him. He was regretting coming. Ana wasn't even really paying much attention to him. Why is she avoiding me? I didn't pick a fight with the teachers or pick a fight with her friends, what did I do?

"Why do you hate having me around?" Arata crossed his arms.

"Because you're annoying."

Arata shrugged. "You really just have a hard time dealing with people who want to be your friend, don't you?"

Seto's eyes narrowed. "The only people who want to be friends with me are people who want something from me."

The redhead laughed. "I don't want anything from you. You've already helped me out plenty."

"What are you talking about?" Seto could feel a headache coming on.

"You burned my old home down. I'm very grateful for that." Arata grinned. "So, I figured I'd help you out with Sakurai-san, but you're the most stubborn person ever."

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