Chapter 49: Seto's Choice

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Seto glared at his phone after he had hung up on Ana. "I'm not jealous."

He set his phone down and furiously rubbed his eyes. After their date, Seto had gone straight home and researched kissing techniques. It pissed him off that he'd sucked at it the first time. By the morning he had a new "game plan" and had messaged Ana to see when he could take her out, but she shot him down in two seconds flat to go hang out with her friend.

"I'm not jealous!" He shouted at the bookcase. I'm just frustrated that I spent an all-nighter researching and planning only to not even get to try anything. Seto stood up from his coffee table and went over to his bed. He'd worked all day after doing an all-nighter. Falling face first onto the bed, he let one leg dangle over the side. Why do I feel so tired? I've done many all-nighters before. Oh, right. I guess I've gotten used to a more normal sleep schedule thanks to that obnoxious girl. He flipped over onto his back and sighed. His eyes drooped. Ugh, I need to plan what we're doing tomorrow. I should look up ideas she would like...

Seto jolted awake as his usual alarm went off. He picked up his phone and groaned. Crap, I didn't plan anything. He pinched the bridge of his nose and debated on if he had time to research something.

"Screw it!" Seto stood up and grabbed his phone. He made a call. "Inu-san, send my car and driver to the apartment."

"Which car, sir?"

"The fancy one. Also, make these reservations with in the next thirty minutes." Seto gave him a list and Inu listened quietly."

"Alright, sir... Can I just ask one thing?"


"Does Sakurai-san want to do all that? Based on your previous dates those things seemed—"

Seto didn't even question how Inu knew about his previous dates. It was Inu's job to know what Seto liked and did, for the most part.

"No, I doubt it. We're doing what I want today. Just book them." Seto growled.

"Got it. Will do, sir." Inu hung up and Seto finished getting ready. He strolled outside after he had a quick breakfast and hopped into a long black limousine, then told the driver to take him to Sakurai's house. When they arrived, Seto got out and when up to the door. He didn't have to ring it. She must have heard or seen him pull up. She came out of the house in a faded t-shirt and jean shorts. When her eyes fell on the limo, she stopped in her tracks.

"Um, Amin-chan. What's going on?"

"You'll find out, so just shut up and get in the car." Her eyes narrowed at him, and he realized he'd been too much of an ass. "Please?"

She frowned. "That's a little better, but the next time you order me to do something in that way I'm going to throw you to the ground."

Seto sighed and just held open the door for her as she got into the limo. He followed her, then tapped on the glass in between them and the driver. The driver took off.

"Amin-chan, what are we doing today?" Ana looked uncomfortable as she looked around at the shiny black interior and the pretty crystal wear that was sitting on a small bar area with a fridge below it.

"I think I've done what you wanted plenty. We're doing what I want today." Seto didn't give her any more than that.

She seemed nervous. "I guess that's fair... Are we going to some duel tournament?"

"Huh?" Seto's eye twitched. "Not everything I enjoy is about dueling. Also, the only tournaments around here are for amateurs. I don't go to those."

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