Chapter 20: Regret

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Quick Note from the Author:

I just want to thank everyone who's been reading my story and for all the wonderful comments. Writing is my passion. It can be a hard, time consuming and trying at times. Life is pretty hectic and I can't post as much as I would like. I mainly write for my self-fulfillment and enjoyment, but it really is very touching when others enjoy what I've created as well. So again, thank you for all the support you've given me and I hope you continue to enjoy Ana and Seto's story.

Chapter 20:


I've hit the bottom of the idiot charts. Why the frick' did I go to that stupid event, why did I hold her hand, why did I wait around to walk her home? Seto stared at his tablet on his table as he mindlessly chewed on his breakfast. He'd reread the same document five times. Letting out a sigh, he flexed the hand that had held hers. He'd been surprised by his own behavior when he took her hand last night—twice—and he'd been even more surprised to find that he'd been super annoyed when her friend yanked her away from him. Her hands were kind of hard and callused, I wonder if that was from the training she does? His mind wandered to last night, walking in the dark, holding her hand, and making her cry. That thought made him feel like shit.

He slammed his hand on the table, making his plate rattle. "It does not bother me when people cry!"

It bothered him that Ana had. His mind wondered to the joke he told. Ugh, I'm never living that down. His phone rang, and he picked it up.

"What?" He snapped, not caring who was on the other end.

"Wow, Nii-san, what's eating you so early in the morning?" Mokuba asked him.

Seto groaned. "Nothing much, I've just turned into a dolt. Why are you calling?"

Mokuba paused. "Wha? A dolt? Hang on. Are you calling yourself stupid?"

"Yes, now why are you calling?"

"Hang on. I've never heard you call yourself stupid. What's made you say this? Nothing shakes you." Mokuba ignored his other question.

He growled. "Does it matter? Why. Are. You. Calling?"

His brother seemed to realize he'd tested his patience enough. "Well, I've narrowed down the suspects on the list of who want to see you really really really fail and it comes up to about fifty-five."

"Only fifty-five?" Seto smirked.

"The list was a lot longer, but I eliminated people that didn't have the connections and finances to pull this off. That still leaves a lot, though. I could really use some help." Mokuba admitted.

"I can't. I'm overloaded as it is. Have Inu-san help you." Seto flipped through the documents on his tablet.


"Yes, he's proven his worth and I know he's trustworthy."

Mokuba seemed surprised, but excited. "Alright, I'll do that. By the way, how's it going with your fake girlfriend?"

The word fake stung a bit when he heard it. "I'm now a candidate to be her fiancé."

Mokuba whistled on the other end. "From fake boyfriend to fake fiancé in a couple weeks. You move fast, Nii-san. Did the contract you signed with her extend to that much acting?"

"It extended to it. Bye." He hung up and glared at his phone before sighing.

Contract, that's right, it's all because we're under contract. He packed up his stuff and went to school feeling weighed down. When he got there Ana was sitting at her usual seat chatting with her friend. She seemed a lot livelier lately, and she wasn't taking as many naps in-between classes. When she glanced up at him as he entered, he looked away as he passed and took his seat. He quickly pulled out his tablet and got to work. School went by uneventfully until the last bell rang. A shadow fell over his desks and he looked up to find Ana holding her math book. Oh, right tutoring.

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