Chapter 8 Assery at Work

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    Convince him I'm her boyfriend, how do I do that? Despite his good looks and enticing fortune, Kaiba Seto hadn't ever had a girlfriend or even a date at seventeen. Not because he couldn't have dated, but because he tried to steer clear of female relationships. When Gozaburo had taken his brother and him in, strange older women started approaching him. These women, fifteen, twenty and sometimes thirty years older than him, would look at him with lustful eyes or make sexual implications.

Some even followed him to school and one extremely crazy woman broke into his room one night. He'd thrown a vase at her head and ran away, but Gozaburo didn't press charges. The woman was the wife of an important business contact and he prioritized that relationship over Seto's well-being. His asshole of a father had even told him, at eleven years old, to man up. So, I did, and you lost your entire company because of it, you piece of shit. Seto ran that woman's husband's company into the ground after he took Kaiba Corp. The look on her face when they evicted her from her mansion and burned it down in front of her had been very satisfying.

The entire event made him apprehensive of women and he'd stayed away from them or the idea of having a relationship. When she'd said they were dating, his mind had frozen up. He shivered and took a deep breath. So, how do I convince him we're dating? Seto pulled out his phone and Googled dating to get a better idea of what that meant. Going out with and actively spending time with a person... Well, we've been spending time with each other, but not because we want to.

Seto pocketed his phone and headed back into the building; he stopped outside the entrance to the lab and took a deep breath. Just think of it like duel monsters and react one move at a time. He walked in and saw Hikari bending over his project, working furiously and cursing under his breath. When your opponents enraged, use that against them. Hikari finally realized someone was in the room and looked up. Seto smirked. It had the perfect reaction because the young man's face and ears turned beet red. He stomped over to Seto, a vein visibly throbbing in his forehead.

"You... You... How dare you threaten my sister?"

Seto laughed at this because his statement was ironic, but also because laughing made it seemed like he was mocking him. It worked perfectly, Hikari let out a stream of curse words that weren't appropriate for polite company. Seto just kept smiling and looking down on him, calculating his next response. This is easier than I thought.

When Hikari paused for a breath Seto delivered his line seamlessly. "What do you mean threaten her, Onii-san?"

The young man before him lost it and couldn't even form coherent words. Anything he tried to say came out as more of a sputtering sound. Then this line would be best.

"Ana asked me out, so I don't know what you mean by threatening her." Seto snickered.

"Don't you dare call her by her first name and with no suffix!" Hikari's voice echoed around the room and carried out into the hallway. "Even if I believe that for one second, there's no way I would approve of an ass like you dating my little sister!"

"Who said I needed your approval?" Seto rolled his eyes for emphasis.

"You asshole, I bet you don't even like my sister."

Seto grinned widely. He decided the truth would be the best weapon to use here. "Not at all. She's obnoxious, a know-it-all, and speaks her mind too freely."

His eyes looked like they were ready to fly from his head. "Then why would you date her?"

Seto paused and a horribly shallow response came to mind. "Because she has nice legs, and I was bored."

Hikari threw a punch at Seto's face, who reflexively blocked it by catching his fist. It was weak compared to Ana's iron grip. His sister's stronger than him. Seto smirked at the thought. Hikari pulled back his fist and glared at him, Seto's hand stung from the punch.

"Break up with her," Hikari demanded.

Gotcha, this duel's mine. Seto used his triumphant competition laugh, and for a second he thought Hikari would punch him again.

"No," he finally responded.

"No! What do you have to gain from dating my sister?"

Seto shrugged. "Well, since I'm stuck here until my project's finished, I might as well entertain myself somehow."

Hikari was livid. "The project you wanted to hire us for?"

"That's right."

"You piece of shit. You're doing this so I'll help you," Hikari spat on Seto's shoes.

Seto would have normally let a kick fly at this reaction, but he reined in his anger. Kicking him won't be the most effective move.

Instead, Seto sneered. "Maybe."

"Once I tell her she'll dump you flat."

"Oh?" Seto smiled and turned around. "Go right ahead and tell her. She's not going to dump me though. So, I guess you'll be seeing more of me since I can't go home, Onii-san."

Seto exited, and he heard the stream of cursing following him down the hall. Walking out the building, he laughed. That was the most fun he'd had since he'd come to this city. Pulling out his phone, he opened the file with the contract and extracted Ana's number. He dialed her number and waited for it to ring.

"Hello?" Ana answered.

"One sufficiently enraged big brother baked and on your way for delivery," Seto joked.

Her laugh on the other end surprised him, and he found himself smiling in response.

"Right, I'll handle the rest, but he's going to want proof of the dates. He's annoyingly thorough like that."

"Ah, then what do we do next?"

She paused. "Go on a date, I guess. Are you free tomorrow?"

He pulled up his schedule on his phone to double check. "It's Sunday, so I should have free time around lunch."

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow at noon."

"What are we supposed to do on a date?" Seto didn't have the slightest clue of where to start.

She huffed on the other end. "You figure that out, Amin-chan. Bye."

She hung up on him, leaving him to glare at his phone. Seriously, though, what do you do on a date? He went back to his old friend Google-sensei and found a list of date ideas. A picnic was one of the top ideas for a first date. I guess I'll do that. I need a basket and a blanket though, right? Also, a place to have the picnic. Ugh, more work.

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