Chapter 12 Creepy and Uncomfortable

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        Seto finished sending the last report before his alarm to get ready went off. He stood up and stretched. Now that Inu was doing his part, it felt like he had more time to himself. Not that he would ever admit that the obnoxious girl's instance had proved useful. His phone rang, and he answered it.

"Hey, Nii-san, make any—"

Seto hung up on his brother before Mokuba could say anything more. He stood there and took a deep breath. His brother called again, and he picked up.

"That wasn't nice," Mokuba's tone was pouty.

Seto growled. "If you don't have anything to report then don't call me."

There was a loud huff on the other end. "At this rate you're never going to get friends, let alone a girlfriend."

"I have a girlfriend and I don't need friends," Seto snapped.

There was silence, then Seto had to pull the phone away as Mokuba practically screamed at him. "You have a girlfriend?!"

"I don't appreciate that tone, or you deafening me." Seto rubbed his ear and switched the phone to the other ear.

"Since when did you get a girlfriend, do I know her, is it someone in that city, what's she like, is she pretty, how long have you dated, have you kissed yet, have you—"

Seto interrupted his spree of questions, "Mokuba, shut up. None of that matters, it's all a farce."

"A farce?"

He explained about Sakurai and how he ended up pretending to date her so he could get her brother's help. While he explained he worked on making his lunch for school. When he finished his explanation, he heard his little brother let out a disappointed sigh.

"That's what you meant? Greif, at this rate you'll die a bachelor."

He could almost imagine Mokuba's frown right now. "I have no interest in dating or making nice with any of these plebeians in this city."

His brother let out a loud sigh. "Ok, whatever. So, the reason I called. Did you let Inu-san take over the academy project? He's asking for permission to access some files. I thought that was suspicious, so I wanted to double check."

"I had him take it over for now. I didn't have the time to do everything. Go ahead and give him clearance to the files, so far it seems like he can handle it." Seto had finished making his omelet rolls and side dishes and was packing them into his bento while he talked.

"Really? You actually gave him the project? But you never trust anyone with your projects..."

Seto sighed. "I needed to focus on this one right now. Designing a product from scratch should really be a year-long process, but I need to pull it off in the next two-and-a-half months."

"Hmmm, you willingly came to this decision on your own?" Mokuba's tone hinted he felt there was something more.

"No. I would have kept working on both if Sakurai-san hadn't made it a part of our contract." Seto rubbed his eyes. "If that's all, then I've got to get to school since that's annoyingly a part of the contract, too."

"Wait, you gave in to someone else's demands and you're willingly going to school! Who is this girl? Can I meet—"

Seto hung up on his little brother and groaned. He put his bento in his bag and headed to school. When he got there Sakurai's friend was waiting outside the classroom again. He really wasn't in the mood for a confrontation right now. There were still some reports for tomorrow that he needed to finish up. When she turned to him though, she didn't look at him harshly like before. She seemed worried.

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