Chapter 76 Break Up

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Author Note: Hello all. It's been a long while. My only excuse is life got busy, and other things. I will not promise consistent updates anymore, but I will still work on this story when I can. I still want to finish it. Thank you for your continued support and patience.

Chapter 76

Break Up

Clickity, clack, clack, clack. Seto's figures flew over the keyboard furiously as he multitasked and listened to Fukushima give her report. Screw holidays. He'd returned home after the school year ended only to be thrown into a massively hectic work race. Christmas can burn. Stupid freakin' holidays!

"—and that concludes my report."

"Right. Just put the file in the pile." Seto didn't look up as he pointed to the ever-growing stack of papers on his desk.

Fukushima placed the file on the stack and bowed. "And with that, I will see you in two days after Christmas. I'm taking off."

Seto's eyes narrowed as he looked up.

"Inu-san will still be here and you already approved the time off."

Seto glanced down at the calendar on his computer and growled. He had approved. Damn it. When did she slip that one in?

"Fine. Have a good break."

"I will." Fukushima left promptly.

Seto sighed and went back to the clicky clacking. I miss Ana. It had only been a few days since he'd left, but he already wanted to go back. He glanced over at his phone and frowned. He'd messaged her a few times, but her responses had been slower than usual. Is she busy? She better not be over practicing again like during the summer.

Inu walked in with another stack of documents and added them to the pile. Seto growled at the papers but said nothing about them.

"Where the hell is Mokuba at? This is the busiest time of the year, but I haven't seen him at all." Seto asked, feeling a pressure headache forming behind his eyes.

Inu froze at the question and hesitated before saying, "Well... he kind of rushed in a couple weeks ago and said that he found out he can summon duel monsters like a magician.... and that he was going to Egypt to save the world. Something like that."

Seto looked at Inu with his mouth slightly open, then sighed. "If he wanted a vacation, he should have just said so. What about his work?"

"He's still sending it on time, and he informed me that he'd be back Christmas eve."

"Fine." Seto pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to fight the oncoming headache.

"On that note. I've cleared your schedule for Christmas Eve. Since your Blue-eye jet is undergoing maintenance, I've booked a flight—"

"Wait. What the frick' are you talking about? Why would you do that?" With a threatening look in his eyes, Seto was contemplating throwing his empty coffee cup at his assistant.

Inu's eyes widened at his reaction. "Well.... because it's Christmas eve..."

"I don't celebrate Christmas. So again, what the hell does that have to do with anything?"

His assistant frowned and his eyes shifted around until he finally looked at him, concerned. "I figured you'd want to see your girlfriend on Christmas Eve?"

"I already told her that I don't celebrate Christmas. Cancel whatever stupid plans you made. I don't have time to leave right now." Seto went back to typing, but Inu didn't move.

"Kaiba-sama, did you fight with your girlfriend?"

Seto stopped typing and glared at him. "No. Why the hell would you ask that?"

Inu sighed and crossed his arms. "Kaiba-sama, are you trying to get dumped?"

The room grew awkwardly quiet as Seto stared blankly at his assistant.

"Wha... what?" Seto finally asked, confused.

"I'm going to assume that you don't know that Christmas Eve is the biggest date day for couples in Japan. Basically, you're asking to get dumped by not taking your girlfriend out that day."

Seto froze at this information. Wait, is that why Ana asked if I celebrated Christmas? She hasn't acted any differently though after I told her I don't celebrate Christmas and why. His brow furrowed as he went through the events of the last couple of weeks.

Inu smiled, but he seemed exasperated. "Has she been messaging you while you've been gone?"

Seto glanced over at his phone. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"If she hasn't, she might be pissed at you. Well, I guess it's up to you if you'd rather work on Christmas Eve. Just be prepared for her to break up with you when you come back from the holidays." Inu left him alone after saying this.

Bull. Ana's not that petty.... It is true she has been a bit unresponsive to my messages, though. Seto fidgeted in his seat, unable to focus on work. No. Inu was probably just messing with me.... He ground his teeth and then searched about Christmas Eve in Japan. That was a mistake. He ended up in a rabbit hole of story upon sad story of girls breaking up with guys for not taking them out on Christmas eve.

I don't celebrate Christmas! But... I guess I don't have to think of it as Christmas. It could just be a date.... with an annoying theme. Besides... They didn't die on Christmas Eve, but Christmas Day. So... He glanced over at his phone, picked it up, then messaged Ana.

Seto: Are you enjoying the break?

He sat staring at the screen for a couple minutes before she responded with a simple "Yes". No other messages came through.

Seto felt his stomach squeeze tight before he stood up and shouted, "Inu-san, what time is that flight?"

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