Chapter 34: Party

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Author Note: Sorry about the late update. I had to stay later at work today. On the bright side I have a special update of two chapters for you. Enjoy!

Chapter 34:


Seto walked up to the entrance of Ana's house and knocked. Hikari answered the door. Seto raised an eyebrow at the haggard-looking college student. Before he could say anything, Hikari grabbed his collar and glared at him with eyes sunken from lack of sleep.

"If you do anything in appropriate to Ana tonight, I will hunt you down and make you regret you were ever born."

What the—someone wants to be punched. Seto resisted the urge and instead yanked Hikari's hands off his collar and straightened it.

"Onii-san," Ana appeared behind him and gently pushed him back into the house. "Go finish your proposal."

Hikari started mumbling about currents and circuits as he walked away. Ana shut the door and sighed before looking up at Seto. Years of practice kept his face neutral, but he stopped breathing as he got a better look at Ana. The long midnight dress hugged her curves and accentuated her shoulders. She'd curled her hair to frame her face. Her smokey makeup made her look more mature and seductive than usual.

"How do I look?" She asked, giving him a proud smile.


He regretted his answer because she looked disappointed by his response.

"Oh," was all she said as she looked away.

What? No! Damn it! She needs to stop dressing up. I've never had so many brain farts in my life. Seto held back a groan and led the way to a sleek black car and opened the passenger door for her.

"Are you driving?" Ana looked at the car, worried.

"If I can fly a jet, then I can easily drive a car... I have my license," Seto answered.

"But you can't get a license until you're 18." Ana frowned at him.

Seto looked at her like she was kidding. "You really think I can't get the rules bent in my favor?"

She stopped questioning it and got in. Seto got in and drove them to the location, she told him. As he drove, he glanced over at her a couple times. She looked depressed for some reason. The drive didn't take more than thirty minutes. The party was being held in an older mansion right outside of town. Damn it. I don't want to go in. This is going to be a pain in the ass.

After he drove up to the front of the mansion, a valet helped Ana out of the car and he handed over the keys. I wonder who this guy is that she doesn't want to meet alone? They walked up to the door and Ana handed over the invitation to the guard acting as security. He let them in. The decoration on the inside was blinding. The glow of the golden chandeliers lit up the historic white and red marble colored building. It's alright. A bit old-fashioned for my taste. A servant led them to a ballroom that was filled with guests already.

"Sakurai-san, welcome!"

Seto turned to the voice. Ah! My eyes! A man in an extremely bright yellow suit with extremely bright green hair strolled up to them. What the heck! Did this guy take a bath in highlighter? Seto glanced down at Ana, who'd turned her head away for a second. She looked like she wanted to barf. Her reaction was only momentary before she turned back to the man with a polite smile.

"Thank you for the invitation, Hoyhi-san." Ana bowed to the host.

Once the man got close and Seto's eyes adjusted, he noticed the guy was young, maybe Hikari's age. His face and hair were expertly groomed. Too groomed. His skin was practically radiating light from the ceiling.

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