Chapter 36: Confusion

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Author's Note: Short chapter today. Good news, I've been made fulltime at my work. Yeah! Bad news, it takes up a lot of time and I have some stuff going on at home too. So, starting today I'm going to take a two-week hiatus to catch up on new chapters. I'm doing this mostly for my mentality, but not having to rush write chapters each week will help me give you all better content too. Thank you for understanding. I'll be starting to post back on the 23rd of march.

Chapter 36:


On Monday, Seto reluctantly dragged himself out of bed in the apartment he'd re-rented. His previous room had been available and the landlord, Mizuki, seemed thrilled to re-rent to him. She'd been even more thrilled when he said he didn't know how long he was staying and to just make the lease for a year. When she asked about him canceling in the middle again, he just said he'd pay the penalty fee like last time. Why did that make her so happy? Was the penalty fee that much? Seto wondered to himself as he headed to school.

On his way, he saw Ana and Sanae walking ahead of him. Oh, did I leave early enough to run into them? As he approached, Sanae and Ana seemed to sense him and looked back. The look of shock on Ana's face was odd. She spun around and sped away. Sanae paused for a moment, confused, then raced after Ana. What? What was that about? Why did she run away? I mean, it was annoying that she shoved me in the fountain, but I'm not still mad about it.

Seto headed on to school confused and when he got to the classroom, his eyes landed on Ana. She noticed him staring and quickly put her head down. What are you, an ostrich? Just because you hide your head doesn't mean you aren't still there. He let out an annoyed sigh and took his seat. Class was boring as usual, so he worked on some reports. When the first bell rang for break, Ana got up and left the classroom without so much as looking at him. Ok, this is ridiculous.

Seto got up and followed, taking his tablet with him. When he got outside, he saw her heading in the direction of the vending machine. He followed her.


"Huh?" He looked behind him and found a petite girl with long, wavey pink hair bounce her way up to him.

"Kaiba-sempai. I'm Minami Gina. A freshman. Please, go out with me!" The girl bubbled as she gushed up at him.

A shiver ran down his back as he remembered some unpleasant things.

"No," he said flatly.

There was a look of disbelief on her face as he turned to continue following Ana. To his surprise, she'd stopped in the hallway and was staring at them. When they made eye contact, Ana quickly turned around and walked away. Annoyed, Seto followed her and found her in the vending machine area spacing out looking at the buttons.

"Ana-chan," Seto called out to her. She flinched so hard that he thought she might literally jump out of her shoes. "What? What's up with you today?"

Ana looked at him, panicked. What? Why is she giving me that look?

"Nothing..." She turned back to the vending machines and pouted.

"Seriously, why are you acting so—"

"Kaiba-sempai! I am not sure you heard me right. Please, go out with me?"

Seto looked over his shoulder at the pink-haired girl who was panting from having run after him.

"I heard you and my answer is no." He turned back to Ana and found her looking at the girl, frowning. What? Does she know her?

"Why not?" The girl seemed baffled that he'd turned her down.

This girl is pissing me off. Before he had time to answer, the warning bell rang. Ana skirted around her and headed back to class. Seto did the same. When he got there, Ana still wouldn't look his way. Why is she being so weird? He went back to working on his reports until lunch rolled around. Arata skipped over to them.

"Hey, Sakurai-san, Sanae-san. Are you two still coming to the beach this weekend?" Arata asked bubbly.

Beach? Wait, she supposed to hang out with me this weekend.

"I'm still going," Sanae replied.

Ana opened her mouth, her eyes shining, but then her face fell. "I..."

Seto glanced at Arata, and a thought crossed his mind. This little knock-off Yugi isn't going to ask me to come, is he? Wait... Seto pulled out his phone and pretended to peruse it while sending Ana a text.

Seto: It's fine. Go. We can reschedule for the next weekend.

Ana read her phone and shot him a suspicious glance before responding to Arata. "Yeah, I'm still going."

Arata's eyes lit up. "Great! Hey, Kaiba-san, do you want to come?"

"Sure, why not." Seto held back his smirk.

"Oh, yeah, that's too—wait, really?" Arata beamed at him.

He kept his eyes on his tablet, but he could feel Ana glaring at him. Hehe, looks like I can see her three weekends in a row. For once, good job knock-off Yugi.

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