Chapter 3 Handouts and Threats

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Ana glanced at the empty seat behind her. Yesterday, after Kaiba stormed out, their history teacher, Honda, a strict man with squinty eyes and glasses too big for his face, ran after him but couldn't catch up with the giant. I hope the reason he's absent is because of work and not what I said.

"Hey, Ana," Sanae whispered. "What happened between you and that guy? You've got your 'I wish I hadn't said that' face on."

Ana sighed. She knows me too well.

"I don't think I said anything that bad." Ana turned and looked out the window.

The last bell rang for the day, and people bolted for the door. Finally, nap time. Lately, Grandpa's morning training is getting harder.


Ana flinched, then slowly looked up at Honda. She had a hard time talking with this crotchety old man. Ever since she accidently fell asleep during one of his lectures, he seemed to have it out for her.

"Take these handouts to Kaiba-san," he commanded, not looking pleased about the situation.

Ugh, another nap time cut short.

"I don't know where he lives though," Ana protested.

"I'm going to tell you," he snapped. "It's on your way home."

Great, another walk. Ana didn't protest because she knew it wouldn't get her anywhere and took the handouts. Honda wrote out Kaiba's apartment number and handed it to her. This will be awkward, I was sure he didn't want anyone to know where he lived by his reaction the other day.

Trying to stall as long as she could, Ana meandered to his apartment hoping he wouldn't be home. Ana reached the tall modern building and stared up at the reflective glassy surface. Walking up to the door, she noticed the key card lock to get into the building. Of course, he would live in a place with top security. I wonder if he owns the building? The plaque on the door claimed Saido Corporation ran it. Oh! This is one of Mizuki's buildings. Ana wondered how her father's old friend was doing. She hadn't seen Mizuki since the last dinner party her parents hosted.

"Can I help you?" A deep male voice came from the small mic next to the door.

"Oh um, I'm just here to drop off some handouts for a student that—"

A buzzer went off, and the lock clicked open before she could finish explaining.

"Come on in."

Uh, should a place with strict security just let anyone in? Ana walked into the building and went to the desk where a sleepy middle-aged man with a mole on his nose sat reading a comic.

"Oh!" Ana recognized the guard. "Tachibana-san, how's your wife doing?"

Tachibana smiled up at her. "She's well. How's your grandfather?"

"As strict and strong as ever." Ana rubbed her sore shoulder; grandpa had thrown her into the ground that morning, and it still hurt.

Tachibana laughed, then pointed to the elevator. "Hop on in, I'll buzz you up."

Ana blinked. "Buzz me up?"

"You're here for that Kaiba kid, right?"

"Yeah, but I was hoping I could just leave the papers with you?"

Tachibana grinned lopsided and gestured to the elevator again. "Go on up, Ana-chan."

Eh, I bet he doesn't want to talk to Kaiba-san. Not that I can blame him. Ana sighed but walked into the elevator and watched Tachibana grinning mischievously as he buzzed the doors closed. The elevator took her all the way to the eighth floor before sliding open. Heading to the end of the hall she found apartment 808, but stood outside hesitating to knock. What am I afraid of? The worst he can do is kick me out. Knocking, Ana fidgeted uncomfortably, but nothing happened. No sounds came from the other side of the door. Is he not home? She tried rapping on the door a little harder this time. A loud crash came from inside the apartment and Ana dropped her bag in surprise. The top flew open, spilling her books and papers everywhere. Huffing, she bent down to pick them up right as Seto opened the door. He looked down at her, dark circles under his eyes and his face gaunter than yesterday.

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