Chapter 31: Dense and Trouble

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Author Note: My work schedule is constantly changing from working nights to working mornings. So, I can't guarantee a specific time that I'll be updating at anymore. Don't worry thought I will still update on Tuesdays the time just will depend on the week. I hope you enjoy the new chapter!

Chapter 31:

Dense and Trouble

"I'm sorry I can't date you." Ana bowed her head.

Genji, her sempai from last school year, who'd graduated in April and went off to college, frowned at her. He'd asked her out the day she'd been abducted and was still waiting for her answer. Don't give me that look. I've turned you down as politely as I could every which way since they abducted me. I just don't like you. Please get it and give up!

He'd come to visit during the weekend and she'd met up with him outside the school.

"Alright, I get it—" Thank goodness "—you need more time to think on it. I'll wait."

"Eh? Genji-sempai, I—"

He smiled at her and patted her on the shoulder. "I understand. You went through a lot the last couple months. I'm sure it's hard to date anyone right now."

"Wha? No, I—"

He held up his hand to stop her and grinned. "It's fine. I'll wait for your answer until you feel more ready."

She couldn't get a word in as he walked away. What just happened? Why is this guy so dense? Even Amin-chan's weird non-confession made me feel less awkward. Her mind drifted back to Seto as she thought about her prior weekend's fiasco. After he'd dumped his feelings on her, but not asked her out, they'd gone to a room filled with board games and played Chess. He really had annihilated her, even though she was a beginner. It had been distracting, and they'd soon fell back in to their normal routine of how they treated each other. She groaned and walked to the corner of the school wall to where Sanae was waiting for her.

"How'd it go?" Sanae pulled her headphones out of her ears. Ana still couldn't go out by herself, but Sanae had wanted to give them privacy while they talked.

"Bad. He thinks I'm still suffering and won't give him a proper answer. In fact, I couldn't get a word in. I didn't think Genji-sempai was so weirdly hard headed." Ana lightly rubbed her head. Her cut had healed. She still was healing from the concussion, but it was apparently mild enough that it should be fine in ten days. Ana pinched her arm and frowned. "I've missed so much training, I feel like I've gained some weight."

"You've taken a lot of beatings over the last two months. I think you could do with the rest." Sanae chuckled.

"I'm tired of rest. I just want to get back into training. I don't want to get weaker." Ana paused at this comment and sighed.

"Well, if anything, you can use this time to focus on studies instead. We'll need to pass college exams next year."

"True... I missed most of the first month and a half of school. Summer break starts in July too, so I don't really have much time to catch up over the next month." Ana walked with her friend and pondered how much work she'd have to get done this year.

The next day Ana went to class as normal. Since it was their senior year, the school hadn't switched the class roster, so that they could stay focused on studying during this time. She walked into her regular class and took her normal seat. The seat Seto had been in last year was still empty.

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