Chapter 24: Power

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"You really thought you could pull one over on me?" Seto glared down at the fat, balding man who was kneeling at his feet trembling. It was one of his council members. After he'd return to Domino City, much to Mokuba's surprise, he devoted his whole being to launching the new product and weeding out the scum that tried to get him removed as CEO. There apparently had been a group of three working together. This man was the last one. Seto stripped him of his status, made sure all his individual businesses failed bankrupting him, and now the man was begging and groveling at his feet.

"F-forgive me." The man trembled.

Seto dropped a plane ticket in front of the man. "Leave Japan. If you ever come back or show your face in front of me again..."

He left it at that and left the conference room. Security escorted the man out of the building and Seto went back to his office feeling refreshed. It's always a good feeling cleaning up the shit. A man in his mid-twenties with curly green hair, an enormous nose and a goofy grin met him at the door.

Inu bowed and opened the door for him. "Welcome back, Kaiba-sama. How did the meeting go?"

"Well. Give me the report on the new product and the academy building?" Seto sat down at his desk and opened his laptop.

Inu cleared his throat and read over the reports excitedly. "The sales for the new product are up 30 percent, and the main building for the academy is completed. They are proceeding with building the dorms."

"Good work. I need you to bring me the documents for the new attractions at Kaiba land." Seto was already working on the report.

"Right away!" Inu practically skipped from the room.

Ana was right to give him some responsibility. He's been a competent worker. He felt a pang in his heart when he thought about Ana. Slowly, he reached for a drawer in his desk and opened it. Inside was her handkerchief, neatly folded and stored in a velvet-lined box. He traced the stitches with his finger. There was a knock at the door and he quickly closed the drawer, feeling embarrassed.

"Come in."

Mokuba entered. He'd had a growth spurt in the last few months. Now he almost reached Seto's shoulder. His brother huffed as he dropped a set of documents on the table. "Your school work. I wish you would go to school some. Maybe make some friends."

"I have no need to go to that place if I can do my work from the office. The school in Domino city doesn't require my presence so long as I send in the work." Seto barely glanced at the papers.

"I mean, you could at least go and make some friends—"

Seto cut him off. "Mokuba, go to the finance department and bring the budget sheet for the upcoming tournament at Kaiba land."

He pouted, but left without saying another word. Seto leaned back into his seat and sighed. I was only going because she forced me. I don't have any reason to go now... I wonder if she's told her family she wants to teach little brats yet? He shook his head and reached for his laptop. His phone rang. He looked at the I.D. and froze. It was Ana. He stared at it, wondering what she wanted. His eyes slid to the drawer. Maybe her handkerchief? Hesitant, he slowly answered.

"Have you heard from Ana?" It was Hikari's voice and he sounded panicked.

Seto resisted throwing his phone. "What are you talking about?"

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