Chapter 57: Seto's Wrath

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Ana walked into the large ballroom, escorted by Hoyhi. He led her over to two women. One woman was elegant and had Hoyhi's green eyes and hair. She seemed almost fairy like in her long green flowy gown. The other was not so subtle. She was wearing a deep crimson dress that hugged her curves, boosted her large (obviously fake) bust up high and was wearing smoky makeup that made her look younger than she was. Ana's smiled twitched for only a second before her mind went calm.

"Mother," Hoyhi called out to the fairy like lady.

Hoyhi Ella, a woman who originally lived in England until she met Hoyhi's father, fell in love, and moved to Japan. Their romance was whirlwind and after six months of marriage she got pregnant with Hoyhi.

"Ah, Jordan. There you are." Ella smiled at her son's arrival. She turned to Ana and her eyes lit up. "Sakurai-san! It's so good to see you."

Ana smiled genuinely at the lady. She'd always liked Ella. She was a very kindhearted woman. Too bad that kindness is part of the issue.

"It's a pleasure to see you again." Ana bowed gracefully to her.

"Oh, you probably haven't met. This is Okamoto Sakado. She's staying with us for a time." Ella introduced the woman.

Ana smiled at Okamoto. "Hello."

"This is Sakurai Ana, the youngest daughter of the renowned Sakurai family." Ella introduced Ana.

Okamoto had been looking Ana up and down until Ella introduced her. "Oh? Yes, I've heard of them. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ha. She was debating on how to treat me until she heard my family name.

"I was surprised when I'd heard you'd be attending. What brings you to Domino City?" Ella asked, not at all noticing how Okamoto had just sized Ana up.


Ana kept smiling. Smiles can be battle armor, too. "I was in town for the tournament yesterday."

"Oh, the one held at Kaiba Land. I didn't know you were into dueling," Ella commented harmlessly.

"I'm not. I was there to cheer on my boyfriend," Ana said and paused, letting the info sink in. Ella looked excited, but Okamoto didn't seem to care at all.

When Ella looked to Okamoto, she feigned interest. "Young love is so nice."

Ana could feel her skin crawling. Ella looked at her guest with worried eyes. I wonder what Ella thinks the story is? Ella turned back to her, smiling.

Hoyhi finally spoke up, grinning. "Ah, that's right. Kiaba-san's tournament was yesterday. If he was in town, why didn't we send him an invitation, too?"

Nice. Perfect conversation steering. Ella looked rather taken aback by her son's question. His mother put a hand on her cheek and glanced at her friend. Okamoto's eyes flashed with excitement for but a moment. Then she quickly changed her demeanor to one of concern.

Okamoto answered the question, "That would have been awkward. The boy's rather obsessed with me."

So, that's the specific rumor that she told the Hoyhi's. I wonder if she fueled the dating one behind the scenes? Ana had to hand it to Hoyhi. He's set it up perfectly. Now it was time for Ana to attack.

"Obsessed? Who?" Ana played innocent and kept smiling.

Okamoto seemed very willing to tell her. "Kaiba Seto. It would have been very awkward if he came. He would have looked at me all night and made me extremely uncomfortable."

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