Chapter 72: A Mess

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Seto went to his appointment that Thursday while Ana went to Rina's. Last week's appointment had been canceled because his therapist had some sort of event. Seto walked into the office and the little receptionist looked up at him and smiled.

"She's waiting for you."

Seto rolled his eyes and went on into the room. Namura was looking over the books on her shelf when he came in. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled politely.

"How are you today?" She asked.

Seto scowled at her. "Let's just get this over with."

He plopped down on the couch and crossed his arms and legs. Namura sat across from him and picked up her clipboard she took notes on.

"So, it's been two weeks since we last saw each other. Your school had its festival. How did that go?"

Seto shrugged. "Fine, I guess."

Namura raised an eyebrow at him. "Anything new with your girlfriend?"

Seto paused and frowned. New with her? I don't think so. "Not really."

"Anything new in your relationship?" Namura probed him.

"We set boundaries." Seto rolled his eyes and felt annoyed.

Namura smiled at this. "You went too far, didn't you?"

"What the hell makes you think I'm the one who went too far?" Seto glared at her, but Namura was unphased.

"Well, did you?"

He cringed and couldn't bring himself to answer, but Namura seemed to understand.

"That's progress. Have you decided that you want to be more physical with her?"

Seto flushed at this question. "I guess."

Namura grinned. "How physical?"

"What do you mean? We set boundaries," Seto asked, confused.

Namura sighed and asked bluntly, "Do you want to have sex with your girlfriend?"

"What? I, um, I don't...." Seto couldn't find the words. Do I want to?

Namura regarded him. "The last time I asked you that, you responded with a question. This time, you're at a loss for words. Are you considering it?"

"I... I don't know." Seto really didn't. "What does it matter? We set boundaries."

"Did you set boundaries, or did she?"

"She did." Seto sighed.

"Do you want to do more than she's ok with?"


Namura leaned back into the couch and chuckled. "You've come a long way. But it seems you're still not sure about sex. Just because she set boundaries doesn't mean you have to stop thinking about it. Considered what you want and what your ok with that way you can voice it when the time comes. I'm going to give you another book—"

"Why the hell do I need another sex position book?"

Namura sighed at him. "This is a collection of short story books. They're self-insert books. You don't seem like the creative type, so this is to help you get an idea of what you really want to do. Add your and your girlfriend's name into the book. That's your next assignment."

Seto grumbled. "This is dumb."

She ignored his statement. "Is there anything you want to ask?"

"How do you get someone to love you?" Seto asked, and Namura froze.

There was an awkward moment of silence before Namura grinned awkwardly. "Kaiba-san, you can be oddly blunt sometimes. When did you decide that you love your girlfriend?"

Seto's face was warm as he thought about Ana. "During the festival. Answer my question. How do you get someone to love you back?"

"There isn't really a way to get someone to love you back. Women tend to decide that they are in love later than men do, but there's no way to ensure that the other person will love you."

Seto didn't like this answer. He scowled at her. "Then what good are you?"

Namura sighed loudly at him, but continued. "After our sessions, do you find that you are feeling more stable in your relationship or less?"

Seto glared at her. He hated to admit it. "More. There're no tips or tricks to get someone to love you?"

"All I can say is continue being open with her and communicate. Even if you love someone, you can still hurt them if you don't listen."

Seto hated that advice. He wanted to know how to get Ana to love him. Maybe there is a way, and I can research it?

Namura's eyes narrowed. "Don't go trying to research funny things about how to speed up getting a person to love you. Just be open with her, listen, and take an interest in what she has to say. That will help a lot."

Seto flinched and looked away from her. Damn it. I want some sort of shortcut. I wonder if the millennium items have that sort of power?

Namura just shook her head at him and smiled.

"That ends our time. I'm going to mail you the book, since it wouldn't be good to be walking around with it in public." She stood up after saying this. "I have to go somewhere for an appointment now. Let me walk you out."

Seto rolled his eyes but walked out with his therapist. When they got outside, Namura stopped and looked up at him.

"I'm wondering. Can you say that you love her verbally?" Namura asked.

Seto seemed a little taken aback. I guess I haven't said it out loud, yet. He thought about Ana and smiled. "I love her."

Namura looked genuinely happy for him. "So, it seems you do. I'll see you next week, Kaiba-san. Oh crap, I forgot my purse."

Namura went back inside to retrieve it. Seto could feel someone watching him and looked over to see Ana staring at him from down the street. She was holding a package. Seto walked over to her, wondering what she was doing on this side of town.

He eyed the package in her hands. "Ana? What are you doing here?"

She was clutching the box tightly, and her voice was a little shaky. "Seto, who was that?"

He froze. He hadn't told Ana that he was going to therapy and didn't really want to. It felt like he'd seem weak.

"No one important. What are you doing here?" He asked again.

Ana ignored his question. Her eyes narrowed. "What were you talking about with her?"

Seto didn't like how Ana was looking at him. "Huh? Does it matter?"

"If she's no one important, then you can answer that question, can't you?" Ana's voice was sharp.

Seto could feel himself going on the defensive. "If it's not important, then why should I answer? You know what, it's not any of your business. So, stop asking."

Ana's bottom lip quivered as she looked at him. What? What did I say?

"Fine." She sniffed, turned, and started walking away.

"Where are you going?" He felt uneasy.

"Home." She didn't look back at him and kept walking.

Seto followed her, but she shouted over her shoulder. "Don't follow me."

"What? Why?" He didn't understand why she was being like this.

"Why don't you go hang out with your new lady friend instead?" Ana said spitefully before walking off. Seto stood there, stunned. What? Lady friend? Does she mean my therapist? He decided not to follow her and went back to his apartment.

When he got there, he tried calling Ana. It rang once and then went to voicemail. He stared at the phone, perplexed. She just hung up on me. What? What the hell is going on? What did I do this time?

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