Chapter 1 New Student

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The air outside was turning frosty as summer fell away into fall. Ana yawned loudly as she gazed out the window of her classroom; the cold always made her want to hibernate. She could hear her classmates whisper excitedly about the new incoming student.

"Hey Ana, do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" Her friend Sanae, a petite girl with inky hair styled in a bob, and a button nose, asked excitedly.

"Who cares, I just want to sleep." Ana laid her head down on her desk.

"Come on Ana, you love this sort of thing," Sanae pushed her.

"You're confused. I love deducing things and boiling people down into predictable facts, but I don't care if we get another girl or a guy in the class. Why does fall, winter or spring even exist!"

Their teacher, Goda, a tall, lean man with a comb over, entered through the sliding door. Everyone stood and bowed before taking their seats again.

"We have a new student today. You can come in!" Goda shouted at the door.

The usual excitement from the class turned into utter silence. Ana, who'd gone back to staring out the window, noticed the unusual quiet. She looked up, and her mouth dropped. The usual deducing game she played for new students wouldn't be necessary this time. One would have to live under a rock to not know that the tall blue-eyed 17-year-old was Seto Kaiba, the CEO of Kaiba Corporation.

Their teacher fidgeted as Seto went to the board and wrote out his name. Ana felt this was a useless formality in this case.

Seto turned to them and bowed. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kaiba Seto."

His tone was apathetic and his eyes stared ahead, not really seeing the classroom.

"Ah, right um... There's a seat behind Sakurai-san," Goda pointed to the empty seat behind Ana. "Sakurai-san, show Kaiba-san around the school later, would you?"

Ehhhhhh I don't want to! I wanted to sleep on the next break.

Ana reluctantly responded, "Yes sir."

Seto passed by her and took the seat behind her. He didn't look at anyone around him as he pulled out a tablet.

"K-Kaiba-san electronics aren't allowed in class." Goda readjusted his tie nervously.

"I received permission," Seto responded, but he returned to the front, and handed the teacher a note.

Goda unfolded the note, frowned, but nodded. Ana noted the irritated looks that went through the classroom. Great, here comes the jealousy for special treatment... I wonder what he did to get permission? Buy off the dean? Seto returned to his seat without another word and went back to working on his tablet.

The rest of class went without a hitch. Though at one-point Goda called on Seto, he seemed annoyed that Seto had kept his eyes glued to his tablet instead of the lesson. Seto merely glanced up at the board and in a dull tone stated the correct answer for a problem half the class was still working on. They shot nasty looks his way, but he didn't pay them any mind.

As the bell rang signaling a break, Ana turned around to Seto, whose fingers flew over the tablet keyboard. She watched amazed at the intense speed he worked at until she remembered what she needed to do.

"Um... Kaiba-san," Ana interrupted.

Seto's hands paused over the board like a conductor telling an orchestra to hold for emphasis.

"Uh, do you want me to show you where stuff is while we're on break?" Ana felt uncomfortable in the crosshairs of those sleepy blue eyes.

Seto shook his head and immediately went back to typing. Ana noticed Sanae giving her a sympathetic look, but Ana just shrugged and laid her head down on her desk.

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