Chapter 48: Hospital

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Ana's stomach tightened as she watched the realization and terror set in on her friend's face. Ana grabbed her friend's shoulder.

"Sanae. Can someone from the staff give you a ride to the hospital?" Ana asked. Sanae shook her head.

"None of their shifts end soon. I... The bus." Her friend turned.

"If you don't mind riding on my motorbike, I can take you." Asao offered.

Sakura looked up at her brother, horrified. "You said you'd play with me today."

Asao looked down at his little sister and frowned. "I'll play with you another time. Go back and visit with Grandma until mom and dad show up to take you home."

Sakura crossed her arms and hung her head. She mumbled under her breath, "But you never have time..."

Asao ignored her and turned back to Ana and Sanae. He offered again, "I can take you, if you don't mind?"

Ana quickly shoved her friend toward Asao. "No, she doesn't."


Ana interrupted her. "Get to the hospital. This will be the fastest way."

Sanae bit her lip, then agreed and left with Asao. Sakura watched them go while looking irritated. The little girl glanced back at Ana, then stuck her tongue out at her before storming off down the hall. Ana sighed and went to tell the Director what had happened. The lady seemed to understand, but Ana had to stay to clean up for a bit until she could leave. By the time she left, an hour had passed since Sanae left. Ana boarded the bus and took it to the local hospital. When she got there, she found Asao waiting outside, pacing.

"How is he?" Ana asked the pacing boy.

Asao stopped and frowned. "He's alive, but they took him to surgery. He had major damage to his intestines, and they needed to operate right away."

Ana took a deep breath and headed inside with Asao. A familiar voice floated around the corner. It was Sanae's mom talking to someone.

"I don't know how we're going to afford this... I wasn't asking you for money, mom!" Ana walked around the corner and found a short woman with long dark hair the same color as Sanae's look up from a phone. There were tears in her eyes. When she made eye contact with Ana, she quickly wiped the tears away.

"Ana-chan... Sanae's down in the waiting room," she mumbled, then walked off to the bathroom.

Ana bit her lip, feeling uncomfortable. She knew Sanae's family had been struggling financially for the last few years. I wish I could offer help, but borrowing money from a friend usually puts more strain on the person. It may seem kind, but it just looks like pity. How can I help? Ana tried to think of ways she could help as she walked into the waiting room. Sanae was sitting quietly with her eyes glued to the floor. Ana walked over to her and sat down next to her without a word. They said nothing as they waited. Asao looked at them uncomfortably before leaving the room. Sanae turned and placed her head on Ana's shoulder, hiding her eyes from the world. Ana didn't know what to do to make her feel better. Gently, Ana rubbed her friend's back and felt a lump forming in her throat.

The wait was long and painful. Eventually, Sanae's mother came to wait with them in the sitting room. No one said anything and other people kept their voices low out of respect. Ana glanced at the clock more times than she could count. Each time it didn't seem like the minute hand had moved at all. Finally, a doctor came in and walked over to them. Sanae sat up straighter and grabbed Ana's arm.

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