Chapter 79: Preferences

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Warning: There will be slight mention of some past trauma for Seto in this chapter. PG-16 rating here for sauciness.

Chapter 79:


"No more!" Ana slammed her head down on Seto's table. They'd been studying for hours in his apartment, and she felt like her eyes were spinning to the point they were going to fall out of her head.

Seto continued calmly typing away on his tablet, but asked, "Do you need to go for a walk?"

Ana groaned. "No, I need to turn into a gelatinous blob and become one with the floor."

"That will be rather hard to get out of the carpet. Don't do that," Seto said seriously.

Ana peeked up at him and frowned. It had been three and a half months since their little make-out session in the tiny cabin on Christmas. Her sister's wedding passed without incident. Seto had to work during it much toAna's relief. She didn't want to have her extended family asking her questions about him. Her entrance exam for college was approaching quickly and Ana felt her head was about to explode with all the last-minute studying. Their relationship had fallen into a comfortable pattern. She didn't know if it was the therapy Seto was receiving or the fact that she'd told him that she loved him, but he seemed more confident and relaxed lately. I didn't know Seto could get more confidant, but the fact that he's been relaxed is even more surprising.

She stared at him, taking in his shoulders. They'd broadened lately. He'd already been in good shape, but after months of training with her grandfather and her, his more teenage gangly form was going away. She could see his bicep muscles clearly through his sleeves and his defined chest through the front of his shirt. It's not fair that guys can put on muscle so quickly.

"Ana, if you're going to take a break, then fill this out." He picked up a form from a stack of papers and set it in front of her without looking up from his tablet. It was the counseling form for school about which college she wanted to go to. It honestly should have been turned in last year, but she'd delayed and kept coming up with excuses not to fill it out.

"More paperwork isn't a break." Ana glared down at the form. "Plus, at this point, there's no reason to fill this out for the school."

Seto finally stopped typing and looked up at her seriously. "I know that. I was trying to get you to fill it out since you keep dodging telling me where you want to go. I need to know so that I can start preparing for it."

She pushed the form to the side and looked away from him. Ever since Christmas, she'd been considering Domino University, but she didn't want to tell him that. They had one of the lowest acceptance rates in the country, but the best programing for really any program. If she told him where she wanted to go, she knew he'd pull strings to get her in despite her test scores. She didn't want that. If she was going to get in, she'd do it by her own volition. Ana lay down on the floor and closed her eyes.

"It doesn't really matter. I have to get a good test score first before I can even have choices," she dodged answering.

Seto sighed loudly. "You just don't want to tell me because you think I'll force your way in."

"Won't you?" She asked, but when he kept silent, she smiled knowingly. "Which is why I'm not telling you."

He growled but went back to typing. Ana opened her eyes, thinking about the expandable pillow in her bag, and considered getting it out when something caught her eye. There were a couple of books under Seto's bed. Ana's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't see what they were about, but there was only one reason she could think of why a teenage boy would hide something under his bed. She sat up slowly, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. She slowly wiped her hands on her pants. Calm down, maybe it's not what you think?

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