Chapter 66: Seto's Social Lesson

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Why is she looking at me like that? He didn't like the sense of foreboding he was getting as Ana smiled at him, obvious rage in her eyes. I just did what the stupid therapist told me to and was direct. She's obviously been distracted about something all day. This is the most direct I can be.

"You think I have a stick up my ass?" Ana's voice was filled with venom.

"Yes?" Seto was confused why she was repeating him.

"What makes you think that?" Ana's eyes narrowed.

"What? Because you've been annoyingly quiet today," Seto said the first thing that came to mind. He found it annoying when people beat around the bush.

Ana, however, seemed angrier. "I just had something on my mind."

"What?" Seto asked.

"It's none of your business." She snapped.

This made him angrier. "None of my business? I asked, didn't I?"

"And?" Ana glared at him. "Just because you asked doesn't mean I have to tell you anything."

This pissed him off more. "How am I supposed to fix anything if you don't tell me?"

"Who said anything needs fixed?" Ana's voice rose a little.

"Well, apparently it does since you've been acting like you've got a stick up your ass all day." He did not like her raising her voice at him.

Ana grew quiet. She smiled harshly, packed her stuff up in her bag, and headed for the door.

Seto panicked. "Where are you going? You haven't told me what's wrong with you, yet."

Ana glared at him. "I'm going home, and I don't have to tell you everything that goes through my mind."

Before he could stop her, she stormed out of his apartment and left. Seto sat there, confused. What just happened? Pissed off, he decided to work. I asked like the stupid therapist said. I was direct. What just happened? Why did she get angry? Seto couldn't sleep that night. In the morning, he went to pick up Ana as usual. When she didn't come out right away, he rang the bell and Hikari answered.

"What are you doing here?" Hikari looked confused.

Seto was taken aback by his idiocy. "I'm here to pick up Ana. What else would I be doing here?"

"She already left for school." Hikari smirked. "Is she avoiding you? Did you two get into a fight? She came home pretty mad last night."

Seto was taken aback. Fight? Did we have a fight? Hikari burst into laughter and slammed the door in his face. Seto stood there in between anger and panic. Did we really fight? Is Ana avoiding me? The thought hurt, and he didn't like it at all. That stupid therapist! Instead of going to school, Seto headed for the therapist's office. He burst in, startling the receptionist. He slammed open the door to the meeting room despite the receptionists protesting. Namura was with another client. They both looked at him, surprised.

"Your advice sucks!" Seto shouted at her.

Namura took a deep breath and turned to her other client, ignoring Seto. "It seems we need to wrap up a couple minutes early today. We'll have a longer session next time."

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