Chapter 6 Contract and Curry

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Seto yawned as he finished loading his report. He'd been up all night working on papers and the rough draft for the new product. Frinkin' asses. When I find who did this—

The doorbell rang, interrupting his torture fantasy. He groaned when he opened the door. The obnoxious girl stood there dressed in street clothes. It only took one glance to take in her little blue peasant top and a short white skirt. He wasn't impressed. She has nice legs though.

"How did you get in, again?" He growled. "This place's security is lacking."

She stared at him blankly and sniffed. "Did you eat or sleep? Or even shower?"

Seto glared at her, but he sniffed his shirt. The rankness burned his nose. He hadn't changed out of his clothes from last night's party. "I'll change."

"You're going to leave me out here?" She asked as he went to close the door. He growled, but opened it back up and let her in. She sat down at the little table and looked over the papers and blueprints he had strewn about.

"Don't look at those." He gathered them up and pulled out the contract he'd written up. Handing it to her, he let her read over it while he went to take a shower. The cold water woke him up. I need coffee. Once he finished and got dressed, he went back out. She had finished reading it. "You done?"

"I won't sign this," she said flatly.

He froze in the middle of sitting down at the table, his nose twitched in irritation. "What?"

She looked up at him determined. "I won't sign this, not as is. There are a couple things I can't agree to on here."

Seto finally sat down. "What?"

She picked the contract back up and read over it, "Paragraph two clause six, you've written it to sound like you can interrupt my nap time until your work's done. I don't agree with that."

He ticked his tongue, annoyed. She read the fine print, just great.

"Also, paragraph six states that if it's for work you can skip school, but you didn't define what work is. Basically, you're saying you can skip whenever you want. Scratch that."

Seto raised his hand up in defense. "Hold on."

She looked up from the paper and pursed her lips. "What?"

"I really will need to skip school sometimes for work."


She's giving me a chance to state my case? Seto could feel he was being judged, but he held his ground. "There are times I need to return to Domino city. I have projects going on there too. I also need to test the prototype I'm going to be working on and there are certain meetings I can't get out of."

She sat quietly and listened to his reasons. She must have found the reasons sound because she sighed. "Then how about this, I'll give you five days a month to miss school? For half days you'll miss, talk to the teachers in advance and get the homework that day. Four of those five days have to be used on Fridays. I don't have training that day so I won't be as tired."

"What? Five only?" Seto felt his eye twitch. "I won't have enough time—"

"Denki University isn't far from our school. Ask Goda-sensei to allow you to go during his class. He's chill and if you explain the situation to him, he'll let you make up the work in his class later. Also, take into account if you're hiring students, they'll each have their own schedules and they won't be working late into the night like you do. They have to graduate after all," she rambled on, but he listened quietly because everything she said was sound.

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