Chapter 10 A Stand off and Karaoke

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       Seto scanned through his emails as he walked into the school. There was less to answer than normal. I guess Inu-san's more capable than I thought. Maybe I could use him on that other project... A mass of blood lust hit him in waves and he instinctively scowled. What idiot is picking a fight with me? Looking up from his phone, he found a small girl with short black hair that framed her face glaring at him. She was standing in front of the entrance to his classroom. Feeling challenged he instinctively glared back and tried to walk around her, but she slid in front of him blocking his path.

"What?" He snapped, annoyed at this sudden defiance to his presence.

"What are you doing with Ana?" The girl growled not the least bit afraid of him.

He snarled at her. There was still work to do, and she was taking up his precious time. "Who are you?"

The girl sneered back, her tone was mocking, "You're dating her, but you don't even know who her best friend is?"

Seto paused and re-examined the girl. He finally remembered that she was Sakurai-san's seat neighbor.

"I don't see the relevance of your question. Move." Seto's nostrils flared.

She laughed at him. "You don't do you? Well, usually when you're dating someone you at least know the name of their best friend—"

"Watanabe Sanae," A familiar voice introduced her from behind him. He turned to find Ana walking up to them while yawning.

"You weren't supposed to tell him." Sanae pouted.

Ana rubbed her eyes. "I think a better question is how do you know we're dating? I didn't tell you yet."

Sanae blushed and mumbled under her breath, "I saw you in the park yesterday and asked your brother what was going on."

"You saw us in the park?" Ana questioned her friend.

"Well... I was in the café next to it." Her eyes flashed to Seto, and she openly glared daggers at him. "I got concerned and called Hikari-kun to ask what was going on."

"You called him after you saw us? Instead of me? You sure that was the progression of those events?" Ana crossed her arms, looking sour.

Sanae lowered her head guiltily. "Ok, fine. He asked me to keep an eye out, and I just happened to be in the café around that time."

Seto listened to the exchange as he glanced down at his watch. He needed to get this report in. When are they going to be done?

"I wished you'd just asked me." Ana crossed her arms and sulked.

Sanae put her fingers together and looked sorry. "I'm sorry. I was concerned... So, is it true, are you two really dating? This isn't Hikari-kun over reacting again, is it?"

"Again?" Seto was curious about that statement.

Sanae shrugged. "Hikari-kun overreacts every time a guy gets close to Ana, but... when he said it was you that concerned me more than usual. I didn't think he knew you were going to our school and everything I've heard about you is bad."

This girl is as blunt as Sakurai-san. Well, at least that makes things clearer.

Ana groaned. "We are."

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