Chapter 14 Tutoring and Feelings

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Why? Why? Why did I bother giving her my opinion? No, focus! Seto smacked his cheeks and tried to focus on his report. He needed to get it finished before he went to school. Yesterday, Mokuba's visit to meet his "girlfriend" and his conversation with Ana had thrown him off. His mind drifted back to his conversation with Ana. It was none of his business what she did with her future. So why did it bug him that she was cowering from her own family? He could understand if they were like Gozaburo, but her brother adored her and it didn't seem like the other members disliked her. Was it this grandfather he'd never met making her act this way? His alarm went off, telling him it was time to go. Damn it! He rushed to finish up the report and headed to school.

When he got there, he found Ana's seat was empty. Is she late? That's odd. He slid into his seat and pulled out his tablet. Occasionally, he glanced up at her seat. Right before the bell rang, she and her friend wandered in. He froze when he saw how puffy and red her eyes were. That's not my fault is it? What no, of course it's not... She said nothing as she went to sit down. Sanae sat down, also looking grim. What happened?

He tried to push it out of his mind and went back to his tablet, but an uneasy feeling made it hard for him to focus. Whenever breaks occurred Ana would lay her head down and not talk to anyone. What the frick' happened! He shook his head and tried harder to focus on his work. It doesn't matter, it's none of my business.

There was never a chance to find out what had happened, because Ana even slept through lunch. At the end of the day Goda-sensei called out to him, Ana, and knock-off Yugi. Oh, right tutoring. Frick' let's just get this over with.

"Kaiba-san, you'll be tutoring Sakurai-san and Yato-san in math. If their scores go up on the next test, then I'll take them off mandatory tutoring. That would free up some time for you too, wouldn't it Kaiba-san?" Goda smiled at the three of them and left them be.

Seto groaned. "Fine, let's go to the library and get this over with."

"Oh, Kaiba-san, I never introduced myself, did I? I'm forgetful like that sometimes. I'm Yato Arata, but everyone just calls me Arata. So, feel free to call me that too," the peppy redhead offered while smiling.

"Shut up, Yugi." Seto walked out of the classroom and headed to the library.

"It's Yato, not—" Arata tried to correct him.

He glared down at the redhead. "I know what I said, Yugi."

Ana was quiet and wouldn't look up from the ground as they walked. Knock-off Yugi looked back and forth between them. When they got to the library, the redhead pulled out his phone and looked at something.

"Oh, no. I totally forgot that, uh, thing was today. I'll have to reschedule. Bye!" He ran away before Seto could say anything.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose feeling tired and looked down at Ana. She wouldn't look at him. "What, you going to run away too?"

She finally looked up at him. Her eyes were still red and puffy. He flinched and felt that unease again. Not saying anything, she went into the library and found a table at the back. Pulling out her math textbook, she sat down quietly. Seto groaned and plopped into the seat next to her. He took out his homework as well, since he needed to do it too.

"Alright, what don't you get?" Seto held out his hand, and she passed him her workbook. He looked over the problems. She had a good basic understanding of most of it. It was the more recent things that were tripping her up. He pointed to a few of the problems. "You need to use this formula here. On this one you rounded wrong."

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