Chapter 74: Dreams

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Author Note: Hey, everyone. It's been a while. About a month ago my grandfather took a turn for the worse and he passed away. I was busy with the funeral and after I was suffering from anxiety and depression. Worse than normal. So, I wasn't able to write. I'm still a little sluggish, but I'm slowly getting things put back together. I'll do my best to get back to a normal update schedule. Thanks for sticking with me. Enjoy the new chapter!

Chapter 74:


Seto couldn't sleep that night. The make out scene kept playing over and over in his head. He finally gave up trying and ended up working to keep his mind off it. The next day, when he went to pick up Ana as usual, he felt exhausted. Ana came out of her house, took one look at him, and frowned.

"Are you alright?" She asked, concerned.


She sighed and said, "You look tired."

Seto didn't answer and grumbled under his breath. He started walking and said nothing to her. Ana followed. As they walked, she eyed him.

"Did you sleep?"

Seto grumbled. "No."

"Amin-chan, were you working all night again?"

"Out of necessity, and before you say anything, it's your fault." He snapped. I really need a nap.

She looked surprised. "My fault? What did I do?"

He couldn't bring himself to answer and could feel the back of his neck getting warm. Ana blushed. He assumed she figured it out. They were silent for a moment before Ana snorted while holding back a laugh.

"What's so funny?" He got the feeling she was laughing at him.


"Ana. I haven't slept for almost 36 hours. I'm easily annoyed right now. What's so funny?" He gritted his teeth.

Ana just chuckled. "I was just thinking that you've changed a bit since I first met you."

Seto stopped walking and glared at her. "No, I haven't. I haven't changed at all."

She turned to him and gave him a half smile. "Before you didn't admit to needing sleep."

"Sleep is pragmatic and a medical necessity. I always needed it. I just ignored it."

Ana rolled her eyes. "You eat better now."

"That was because it was in the contract and I got used to making my own meals, plus it helped me work better. Again pragmatic. I wouldn't really call that a change."

"You say sorry when you realize you've done something wrong."

Seto paused at this. "Only to you! And I hate it."

Ana chuckled.

"I haven't changed!" He glared at her. I have not changed. I'm still me.

"It's true you're still Amin-chan, but you've mellowed out a bit." Ana kept walking and didn't look at him, which irked him.

"I have not changed." He growled.

Ana rolled her eyes. "If you say so."

He glared at her. "I'd say you've changed, but you're still the same obnoxious girl I meet that first day."

Ana grinned up at him. "Does that mean you like obnoxious girls?"

He blushed and felt even more annoyed. "I'm done with this line of conversation."

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