Chapter 58: Annoyances

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Seto made sure to take the same flight as Ana back to Nozomu City, so that she couldn't pull another disappearing act on him. He'd been afraid that her family had found out about her going off grid, but since her brother didn't say anything, Seto assumed he was safe. The rest of summer break was normal. He spent time with Ana and worked until it was time for the second semester to start. The day before school started back, though, Seto found something weighing on his mind. He was sitting in his apartment, staring at his laptop while remembering Ana's warning to not mess with the little hacking prick. However, he was feeling more annoyed by him the longer he mulled over it. Seto was debating on whether to get back at the guy when he got a phone call. He picked up his cell phone and was confused when he saw the ID was labeled as "Hacking Genius."

Realizing there was only one person who could mess with his phone, he answered, ready for a fight. "What do you want, you little prick?"

The guy on the other end just laughed. "Nice to finally meet you too, Kaiba Seto. I'm Mizuki Chimon."

"I figured. If you hacked my phone just to give yourself a stupid ID name, then you really must want to have another battle." Seto's fingers were itching as he reached for his laptop.

"Whoa there. I gave myself an ID so you'd pick up. I didn't do anything else. I actually called to make a trade."

Seto's eyes narrowed. "A trade? What could you possibly have that I'd want?"

"Pictures of Ana-chan."

Rage burned through him at this. "What?"

"Calm down. I don't mean naughty pictures. I have some pictures of her childhood and of some embarrassing things that she did. Nothing scandalous." Chimon chuckled. "You're the kind of guy who doesn't stop getting back at someone without incentive. I know you're just itching to hack into my family's accounts. This is my compromise. I have some physical photos of her that I can give you as a piece offering."

Seto paused. Embarrassing pictures of Ana. He had to admit that he was a little interested in seeing them, but if Ana found out that he'd acquired them, would he make her mad?

"Oh, and if you're having any moral issues about the idea, which I find funny, just to let you know Ana keeps a folder of pictures of you. Like when you drooled on her leg."

"Deal." Seto agreed. If she's keeping embarrassing pictures of me, then I can do the same. It's kind of cute that she's stockpiling blackmail... Wait, she's stockpiling it against me. Is that really cute? He mulled over the thought for a split second. Nope, still cute. "Send them to me."

"You should get them in the mail in a couple days." Chimon hung up.

Seto leaned back and smiled evilly. He was excited to see the photos.


The next day, he woke up, made breakfast, and headed for Ana's house to pick her up. She looked sleepy when she came out the door. Seto paused as he looked at her in her school uniform. He'd never paid much attention before, but since he hadn't seen her in it in a few weeks, it felt kind of new. Her white short-sleeved blouse with a black ribbon and pleated black skirt that fell just above her knee was rather adorable. He watched her as they walked.

She sighed and looked up at him. "You're staring, Amin-chan. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing much. Just rethinking my stance on school uniforms." He looked away, trying to imagine what she would look like in other types. It's kind of hard to imagine. I wonder if I could get her to try on others.

"Riiight." Ana glanced down at his backside, then quickly looked away.

Seto caught that. "Did you just check out my ass?"

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