Motivation (Supernatural)

Start from the beginning

There's nothing, no telltale wing-beats, no silent fade in, not even a snap of the fingers.

Sam hangs his head. He doesn't know what to do.

It's like he lost both Cas and Dean.

"Sam." Eileen walks up to him, and lays a hand on his shoulder. "Come on. You need sleep."

"I don't know what to do, Eileen." Sam turns to face her. "Dean won't leave his room unless it's to get the occasional piece of food. He's a ghost, won't talk, won't acknowledge me, just drinks. I can hear him, late at night, when he thinks everyone's asleep. He prays to Cas, to Jack, to anyone who will listen. I want to help, but I don't know how."

Eileen rubs his back. "We'll find something. We have too."

Day 34

"Dean, I found a case. An old werewolf case of Dad's. Eileen's out on a supply run, please come with me." Sam begs.

Silence, then the door creaks open.

Dean's wearing the shirt he was wearing five days ago, and it looks like he hasn't shaved in over two weeks.

Dean manages a half hearted grin. "Wheels up in ten, Sammy."

Day 35

They drove for a day an a half, the same thirteen songs playing on repeat, as Dean tries to hold it together.

"Dean, what happened? That day when Ca- when he died?" Sam asks, breaking the silence as they near the town.

Dean's grip tightens on the wheel, and his gaze turns steely. "I don't want to talk about it."

"You need to talk about it, Dean, it's not healthy."

"Since when have I been the pinnacle of health." Dean jokes, his knuckles white.

Sam notices, and stops talking, letting his brother sit in silence, Led Zeppelin playing in the background.


They're in a barn.

Dean flashes back to another barn, in another time, before shaking his head, pushing down the memories.

Four werewolves stand in front of them, teeth bared.

Dean tightens his grip on his knife, and runs at the wolves.

He manages to stab on in the chest, killing it almost instantaneously.

Dean looks over at Sam, who had managed to slice a now bleeding out werewolf, and was working on the other one. Dean moves back to fighting the first werewolf, and the werewolf shoves him. Dean nearly falls into a pole, a metal bar sticking out of it.

Dean's gaze lingers on it, before he runs at the werewolf.

The werewolf, way bigger than Dean, overpowers him, and shoves him into the pole.

Pain slices through him, hot, blood pouring out of his stomach.

Sam comes up from behind him and stabs the werewolf in the stomach.

Dean smiles weakly at Sam.

"Let's clean up the bodies, and get out of here."

Dean presses a hand to his stomach.

"I... I don't think I'm leaving here, Sammy." Dean says.

"What, what do you mean?" Dean shows his blood covered hand to Sam, and Sam lets out a breath.

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