Chapter 116

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Author's Note: This chapter contains lover's talk, sensual descriptions, and is actually much longer than the ones I usually post. I was kind of surprised by how much longer, to be honest. As for the rest, I'm in the hospital again, but hip hip hooray! I'm not half as sick as the first time!

Still have two weeks to go before I can head home, but at least I'm not half dead! Enjoy the chapter and look forward to the next one!


Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen


Everything was buzzing.

I was frozen, stuck staring at the endless sands and pitch black sky as blinding figures shining brighter than any sun writhed and moved around me, flickering insubstantially as eerie whispers and clicks filled the air. Static crackled in my veins and fluttered through my frozen body.

I couldn't even blink as hands reached out to me, glowing, buzzing hands.

My heart palpitated when I was finally touched by one of the figures around me; buzzing, blinding fingers clutched my cheeks. I was sure I was going to go blind being forced to stare at the unpleasant light-being before me... but oddly, it didn't actually hurt. Whispers filled my mind as a burning sensation dug into the back of my neck, electrocuting me and zapping my heart.

"This is his child. There is no mistake."

Hissing and whispering and buzzing overtook me from every direction, deafening.

"Hold to the youngling tightly this time. Do not let him slip away."

My heart skipped and fear literally crippled me as the entire fabric of the world flickered, rippling in and out. The figures swarmed, swirled and bent, looming closer to me, surrounding me. Panic made my chest heave, and I wanted to scream at them to get away, but no sound escaped my lips. I couldn't work my throat, I was frozen, forced to stay still as a statue, unable to move.

The sickening buzz in my head grew stronger, and the hands touching me paused.

There was a sudden wave of silence.

"This child is dying."

Prickles swept through me with a horrible pulse when there was a cacophony of hisses and garbled buzzing sounds, almost like a fluorescent lightbulb but enhanced by a hundred. It hurt my head and my ears and terrified the living hell out of me because I was reminded of bugs.

Another whisper came forth, formless and unrecognizable, yet somehow separate.

"That cannot be. What is the affliction?"

There was a breath of silence as the burning moved to the back of my skull, touching the birthmark, drilling a scalding hole in it. I wanted to cry out because it hurt, it sent sparks through my skull, but I couldn't so much as get out a squeak. My chest rose and fell, rapid, frantic, fighting for air as I was touched and poked and prodded like some sort of animal.

The burning suddenly stopped and there was a sudden rushing in my ears.

"Severance... though I also detect the cold touch of Arcana."

More buzzing... more whispers.

I trembled, staring at the shifting, blinding, horribly bright unknown thing standing before me, touching my face, digging unseen fingers into my cheeks as if preparing to claw me open. Tears blurred my vision and my mouth started trembling with the rest of me in sheer terror as one of the blinding hands drew back and reached out again, fingers extending towards my eyes.

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