"I-if I do what you say, will the haters stop sending hate to my family?"

"Yes, haters will stop. Even Dani's new manager, Sarah, told us it'll work. Sarah agreed without Dani's permission. But it's worth it. So will you do it Niall?" Simon asked me. I might regret this...I might....ugh...I'll do it. 

I'm sorry.

"I'll do it." I shook hands with Simon and everyone cheered. This will be the end of me before I even know it. 

"Now all we need now is a photo of you and Dani together." Simon wriggled his eyebrows. Okay.

"Why?" I asked slyly pulling away my hand.

"Just something. It's better that I keep it to myself for now. So do you have a photo or not?" He asks me again. I slowly hand over my phone. He started to scroll down on my photo gallery. To be honest, my phone is flooded with me and Dani. This is more embarrassing. He has different varieties of photos to choose from.  But he'll probably choose the most latest ones. 

"So made your choice yet." I ask.

"Yes. I copied the photos from your phone to mine. Thanks Niall. Now you can all go." He said. Paul pushed us out of the conference room. Wow, mean much.

Since they kicked us out of the building, we decided to go to the beach. It's only like 3:46 in the afternoon. Nothing to do. So we all decided to go surfing. Well it's better than nothing. Besides, the lads are teaching me how to surf today. Louis is really great at it. And everyone else knows how, except me. Isn't that a lame excuse. Yes, yes it is. This dog better learn new tricks fast or people will be bored of me. Well, they are already.

"Guys, is it really appropriate to wear this wet suit?" I said, looking at the wet suit the lads made me wear. It's so skinny and tight on me. I prefer to wear shorts than to wear this tacky thing. And girls keep looking at me when they pass. They're judging me, I can feel it. 

I even heard one whisper: The blonde one has no abs compared to the other hot stuffs. Whatever. I don't work out like the others. Who cares, if I have no abs. It's not like the world will end. Having abs is not my goal in life. Those girls shouldn't judge others but themselves. 

"Yeah, you have to wear it. It's for your safety." Louis said. Wait, why is he wearing a plain white shirt and shorts? Liam and Zayn are wearing the same clothes too. Damn. This is so unfair.

"This is so unfair. Why are you guys wearing regular clothes while I'm  wearing this?" I whined.

"We're not surfing until later. The instructor said you have too." Zayn said. Uncool. 

"Ugh...can I just start my lesson already?" 

"Here he is." Liam said, he was with a tall guy. Taller than me. He was about twenty-five in my guess. "He's the guy I was talking about. Guys meet Rick, and Rick meet Niall, Louis and Zayn."

"Nice to meet you. Niall are you ready for your first surfing lesson?" Rick asked me.

"Err...yes?" I said. I'm not sure because I might fall off so quickly.

"Okay then. Get a board and geton those waves." Rick ordered. I grabbed a board and went on the water. Hopefull I won't wipe out so quickly.

"HELP!!" I shout before wiping out, again, it's been thirty times already. I will never get the hang of it. Surfing is not my thing. I should just stick to eating, since it's my natural born talent. The shore finally washed me on the shore. I'm tired of constantly going back and forth from shore to tides. 

"Niall, you need to be inspired to surf." Rick told me as he stood me up. I coughed out water.

"I'll try to think of something."

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