Ice Figure Skating (2/5)

Start from the beginning

Seokjin POV
I looked after Taehyung as he walked away. Namjoon then came up to me and sat next to me. "Babe? Why were you talking to him? He is a famous ice figure skater. How do you know him?" - "Joonie... he is Taehyung. My half brother..." His eyes widen. "WHAT?! That is that rat?! Damn I am going to hit him some sense in his brain!" I grabbed Joon's hand and looked in his eyes. "Joonie... please"

Taehyung POV
My world suddenly started spinning and my breath quickened. My vision slowly got darker. Like a black circle slowly creeping up to the middle. My breath got stuck in my lungs and my vision was completely dark. The only thing I felt was my body hitting the hard ground. After that hard fall, everything relaxed and all my senses gave up.

Hoseok POV
I saw how Taehyung walked away from Seokjin, leaving him sad. Namjoon went up to his boyfriend and they talked. Then I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Yoongi. "Hyung, it's your turn soon" I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Thanks Yoonie. But... ummm could you possibly look after Tae with Jungkook?" - "Sure. Where did he go?" I pointed in the direction Taehyung went. He nodded and went up to Jungkook.

Yoongi POV
Just as Jungkook and I wanted to tell Hoseok that we both are going to look after Taehyung, ambulance sirens were heard. Shortly after the ambulance drove past us. "What?"

3rd person POV
The six friends went up to were the ambulance drove. Because Hoseok and Jin had a bad feeling. Once they came there, everything stopped. Two doctors were treating Taehyung's bad wounds while one was trying to get him to breathe again. "Give me the infusion!" An other doctor quickly run towards the main doctor and gave him the infusion. "We have to get him to the hospital right now!" People were gathered around the scene and some were just looking curiously before walking past them. Yoongi built up the courage and went up to one of the doctors. "Doctor... what happened? I am his cousin" The doctor turned to Yoongi after he helped the others put Taehyung on the bed and in the ambulance car. "We don't know but someone saw how he suddenly passed out. If you could, please inform his parents that they should come to Seoul Oriental Medical Hospital" Yoongi nodded. The doctor told him he can drive with them since he was a family member. The young rapper quickly told his friends before he drove to the hospital in the ambulance, contacting his uncle and step aunt on his way.

Hoseok POV
Jimin fell in my arms, crying badly. I couldn't say everything will be fine after that... Taehyung looked so messed up. I was still shocked but managed to wrap my arms around Jimin and pull him closer to me. "We are going to that hospital too okay, sweetie?" He nodded in my chest still crying. "Kook... can you tell the other dancers they have to perform without us?" - "Already on it, Hope" With that he quickly run back to tell the others. "Namjoon, could you take Jin and Jungkoom with you?" He nodded and held Jin's hand, caressing it gently.

Yoongi POV
The others came to the hospital just 20 minutes after me and the ambulance. I had my hair in my hands, grabbing it out of frustration. Jimin was in Hoseok's arms, crying uncontrollably. And Jin was just sitting ther emotionless. Namjoon had his arms wrapped around the oldest, rubbing his arm softly. And Jungkook had his hand on my back, rubbing it comfortingly.

After what felt like years which were actually five hours, the doctor came to us. "Kim Taehyung's family and friends?" I immediately stood up just like Jin. "I am his cousin. How is he doc?" He smiled at me, but I saw a tint of sadness. Of the corner of my eye I saw how Seokjin slowly sat back down. "He is fine again, but if you could come with me for a second... I can tell you more. The others can already go to room 218. He should be awake by now" I nodded and went with him after my friends went to the room. "Please sit down..." I did as told and sat in front of him. "So ummm he is fine, yes. The only thing is that... he was diagnosed with Lower respiratory infections when he was younger. It seems like it got worse" - "Uhhh... I don't wanna look dumb or anything but what is-?" He chuckled sadly and cut me off. "A lower respiratory infection is an infection in your airways and lungs. If he doesn't take is pills regularly it can lead to death..." My eyes widen before they filled with tears. "Can he still figure skate? It's the only thing that makes him happy... please don't take that from him" The doctor took my hand in his. "He can figure skate, he just has to be careful and he has to take the pills every second hour. Before he goes to sleep he was to take three. Please look after that" I immediately nodded.

With my head hanging low, I made my way to Taehyung's room. As I came there I saw everyone outside besides Jin. "What are you doing?" - "Jin sent us outside" I clenched my jaw, already knowing where that goes. I grabbed the doorknob harshly but Namjoon grabbed my wrist. "Don't touch me!" I slapped his hand away and pushed him before slamming the door open, seeing Taehyung and Jin looking at me. They probably fought before I came in because they both looked mad angry. "Jin get your ass out now" - "I am not going anywhere! He is my brother!!" I balled my hands in a fist. "YOU ARE NO ONE'S BROTHER. YOU ARE HIS HALF BROTHER AND MY STEP COUSIN SO GET THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW!!" He looked at me shocked because I never screamed at anyone before. "I am not leaving until our parents are he-!" I immediately cut him off. "THEY WON'T COME! THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT HIM EVER SINCE THEY FOUND OUT ABOUT THAT DISEASE!! THEY WILL NEVER CARE! IF THEY CARED THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN HERE FIVE HOURS AGO!! ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS YOUR ASS WHO WINS FIRST PLACES AND GETS GOOD GRADES!! TAEHYUNG IS SICK AND STILL TRIES TO MAKE THEM PROUD!!! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT!!" Seokjin glared at me one more time before finally leaving, closing the door. I took a deep breath before sitting next to Taehyung's bed. "Baby, how are you?" - "I am fine. Thank you Hyung..." I placed a small kiss on his forehead. "Don't thank me. Someone had to open his eyes. But now rest a bit okay? And take your pills regularly. I don't want to lose my precious baby bear" - "Can you call in Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook? I wanna see them before I rest" I smiled and stood up. "Of course baby"

《《That was all for Part two! Hope you enjoyed!💜💜💜 I was back at school today again and Omg I want to go back to home schooling. I literally hate it》》

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