A Staredown With The Coppers

Start from the beginning

"Officer Raines. Officer Lewkson." I greeted them formally, brushing off Coop's homicidal rage for the time being, before inviting them inside.

Cooper continued to growl angrily, his little face contorted with fury, and I arched an eyebrow at the cop duo.

'What do these two punks do?'

"We heard about Bertinelli. You doing okay?" Raines asked with his prominent New York accent while his blue eyes filled with concern. I gave him a curt nod, not really in the mood for pleasantries.

"I'm fine. The issue is that he knows who my friends are." I said bluntly, getting to the point, as I gestured to the guys in the living room. When they saw them, officers attempted to size up the guys up.

The hilarious thing is that the guys are taller than the officers, so watching Lewkson size up John, who was a full three inches taller than Lewkson, was fucking hysterical to observe. I had to stop myself from laughing because that would have made the situation even more awkward. 

"I'm officer Lewkson and this is officer Raines." Lewkson introduced himself, narrowing his brown eyes at John and I bit back a giggle at the look on John's face.

He looked as though he wanted to squash Lewkson like a bug.

'Where's the damn popcorn because this is better than any sitcom.'

"I'm Johnathan. These are my cousins Grayson and Benjamin." John stated, his face impassive and his voice polite, but also curt. I noticed Ben and Gray both wore the same expression as John and felt a bit confused by their hostility.

'What crawled up their arses and died?' I wondered silently to myself as I rubbed Coop's ears absentmindedly.

Raines coughed awkwardly as John and Lewkson had a staredown. "Where did it happen?" He inquired and I told him everything.


And so, for about an hour or so, I went over the formalities with the officers and they finally fucking left.

Thank fuck.

By the time everything was done, it was about ten-fifty in the morning and I decided that I needed to get to the other house to start settling things for the time being.

"Okay. Here's the game plan." I began as I opened the garage door. "You guys go to your family, tell them what we're doing, and get John some clothes. I'll text you the address of the house and then you can come over." I instructed as Coop hopped into the passenger's side of Zoom, avoiding my blue duffel bag that the guys had brought, and I got into the driver's seat.

Ben and Gray nodded in agreement, not putting up a fight. John, however, didn't look convinced, making me roll my eyes.

"John. Nothing is going to happen on the way to the house." I informed him seriously, wanting him to know how silly he was being.

John gave me a look. "That's what people say at the beginning of a horror movie." He pointed out and an idea popped into my head.

'That's it!'

I smoothly reached under my seat, got out my Argentum Pugnator bag that I keep handy for my fights, and got out a tiny little earbud and monitor, a small black screen that basically had a GPS system similar to Google Maps. Except, this one was designed by my genius friend, Scarlett.

I sat back in my seat and handed the monitor to him. "Here. If you're going to be that paranoid, take this." I said to him, not really leaving room for discussion. He took it with an arched eyebrow.

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