Ron Weasley Comparisons

Start from the beginning

'And I'd do it again, dickwad.'

As you can see, I care a lot about the food I make and I don't care for people telling me when I screwed up even though I already know I screwed up.

See? Simple.

"What's wrong, Ron Weasley?" Gray asked from the living room and my head snapped up from the pan to the couch where he was lounging about lazily, watching some random cartoon about...a metal space monster? And a group of men in space suits?

'The fuck?

"Haha." I laughed sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him. "Ron Weasley. Because we're both British. Ha." I replied snarkily before throwing a spoon at him. It hit him in the forehead with a 'thwap' sound and he hissed. "How long did it take you to come up with that one, genius?"

"Fuck, hulk girl. Lighten up on that arm, will you?" Gray cursed and I flipped him off with a glare. "My face is my moneymaker." He added and John chuckled, still standing behind me like a fucking creep.

"Cousin. If that's your money maker, then it's no wonder you're flat broke." 

Gray scowled at John's joke, obviously not as amused by it as the rest of us.

"He got you there, brother." Ben piped up from beside him on the couch. 

Gray rolled his eyes at the guys before watching TV again. "I can't believe I'm getting attacked by my own blood." He muttered dejectedly and I chortled as I flipped the fourth pancake.

"I can believe it." I replied innocently as I put more batter into the pan and fed a piece of cooked bacon to Coop who was crouched on the floor by my feet, smiling up at me. Coop gobbled down the bacon before shifting his body in John's direction, making him his new food dispenser.

"Fuck off, Ron." was Gray's mind-blowing comeback.

Original, I know.

 So I replied innocently, "If I do that, then who's going to make your breakfast, hm?" I then snorted before continuing, "I know you most certainly aren't considering the war zone I walked into when I came downstairs." 

Grayson simply dismissively waved his hand.

"John will." He stated nonchalantly and John arched an eyebrow.

"Cous, if I did that, you wouldn't make it to lunch." John declared, making me snort as Grayson flipped him off while he exited out of Netflix and put on Youtube.

"Love you too." He responded sarcastically as he scrolled through the people I was subscribed to, obviously trying to find something to make fun of me with.

Ben noticed one of my recent ones and read, "Loey..." He paused and squinted as he tried to get a better look at last name, "Lane." He finished and looked at me, curious. 

I shrugged simply, not ashamed or anything. "I love spooky videos and conspiracy theories." was all I said in my defense while a stack of plates and placing them on the counter.

"Who's...Buzzfeed Unsolved?" John questioned, still fucking standing behind me.

I silently rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn't see me, but smiled nonetheless as I saw Shane and Ryan's faces on my screen.

"They're my Ghoul Boys." I explained simply with a grin on my face as I put one final pancake on the griddle.

"I don't know what you just said, but sure." John replied hesitantly, making me scrunch my brows when I heard a grin in his voice. I looked over my shoulder to find him wearing a small smile on his face.

"What's that face for?" I asked with a quirked brow and he shrugged as he leaned against my counter.

"I like seeing you talk about things you like." He stated nonchalantly, causing me to essentially shortcircuit.


'How in the hell do I respond to that?'

My heart did little skips the moment the words left his mouth and for the love of God, I had no clue why.

I coughed awkwardly after I realized that I was staring at him dumbfoundedly with my mouth open. "And I'm supposed to respond to" I questioned, my eyebrow still raised, and John chuckled.

"I would take it as a compliment." He advised and I nodded my head slowly.

"Sure, mate." I replied hesitantly as I placed all the pancakes in one single stack. "Okay."

'Why. Am I. Such. A. Twat?'

I cursed my inability to sound like a normal functioning human being. John, however, seemed to be amused by my response which was displayed by the shit-eating grin he wore.


I glared at him and stuck my tongue out at him like a child.

What? I can't always be mature. I have my moments.

"And they're five seconds away from kissing." Gray suddenly spoke up from the living room. "Gag." He added with a fake gagging sound.


John and I both rolled our eyes at Gray's dramatics. 

There were literally four feet between us. No snogging was going to happen whatsoever. Especially if I had anything to say about it.

Who I was trying to convince, I didn't know.

"And I'm about five seconds from socking you in the face, Gray. So I'd suggest you shut it." I replied, my voice laced with a threat. Sadly, at this point, Gray had become immune to my threats.

"Yeah, yeah. You do that, Ron." 

I rolled my eyes at him. "It's too early for this." I muttered to myself as I reached for the maple syrup that was in a cupboard and placed the jar on the counter

"Pancakes and bacon are ready." I announced as I put the other plates in a stack on the bar so that they could serve themselves.

This was the largest batch of pancakes that I had made in a long time. I've only had myself to bake for all month since my grandparents were out. So I usually only make about four or five pancakes.

In total, I made about twenty that morning.

And let me tell you, they gobbled them up real quick. It was both disgusting and...I don't know. Natural.

Now, I've never had a big, close family.

When my parents were still alive, I had them along with both sets of my grandparents, my mum's sister and her husband, and their daughter. 

Two years after my dad passed away from lymphocytic leukemia, I got into a car accident with my aunt, uncle, and cousin who I spoke of earlier. They all died on impact while I barely survived with a hairline fracture, two broken legs, and multiple fractured ribs.

I was seven years old at the time and I managed to survive that.

Then, my mum was murdered. Ever since then, my maternal grandparents basically banished me. At first, they resented me since I was the only one who survived the car accident, but they accepted that it wasn't my fault.

My mum being killed was kind of the turning point for them. They blamed me for it.

Believe me. I do too.

But when all that happened, I had no one left except my dad's parents. They took me in and loved me just as much as my parents had.

I owe them everything and am so grateful for them and their generosity. 

But let me tell you, it was a weird feeling on that Sunday morning when I was cooking for three teenage boys who I hadn't even known for a month.

And yet, I felt comfortable. At home. At peace.

It sounds weird as fuck, I'll give you that, but it's the truth.

'I think I'm getting way too comfortable with these morons.'

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