Book 5 Chapter 1 Pain

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Pain. Pain was all I had felt for the best part of the summer holidays.

I was fifteen, people my age were out partying with their friends during the long nights, I wasn't.

It was coming to the end of the summer holidays, I was numb. Since I arrived home at the burrow I had only left my room to go to the toilet.

That was only at night though, when no one was around to look at me with pity and try and force food down me.

That was another thing, I had stopped eating. I was pale from my lack of sunlight and my bones were weak. I would probably of been dead if Fred, the only person allowed in my room didn't force a magical tablet down me each day.

I hadn't spoken since the day of Dumbledore's speech, I had silently communicated with Fred and come face to face with Ginny once but that was all my interactions.

I was dying, but I didn't care. In fact it was the only thought that made me happy anymore. If I died then I would be with Cedric.

I couldn't remember the day and had completely lost track of time. I couldn't even remember how to speak.

"Blue, can I come in?" The voice of Fred asked from outside my door.

I had found comfort in Fred, he was always the brother I went to with anything even over my own twin. He just got it.

Fred was the person who I clung to when Cedric died, if I hadn't I would of been completely mad by now.

I heard him mumble something and then walk in.

I was sat at my window seat, looking out at Ron and Ginny laughing in the garden between a crack in my curtains.

"We have to leave today." Fred said softly as he took a seat opposite.

I looked at him with a lost expression tracing my skin.

"We need to go and stay at Grimauld Place for a bit, I don't know why but it has something to do with You Know Who." Fred said in a grave voice.

"Come on Blue, please say something." Fred pleaded as tears filled my eyes.

I shook my head weakly and he groaned.

"I know what will lift your spirits, we can find out what's going on together. It will be a fun mystery to solve!" Fred chirped as I just shook my head again.

Fred got up and left closing the door behind him.

In any other circumstance I would feel terrible and punish myself for weeks, the look on Fred's face before the door snacked was defeated and sad. But I couldn't do anything. I wasn't right and I just couldn't function anymore.

I tried to stand up but I just fell on the floor, to weak to move.


"Blue! Wake up!" Fred's voice shouted as I was pushed back and forth making my bones rattle.

I opened my eyes to see that it was dark now and I was still laying helplessly on the floor. Everything hurt and my cheeks were sticky with dry tears.

I registered the people around me and saw all the Weasley's looking down at me with pity.

The look I had desperately been avoiding for weeks.

"Oh my god! Blue!" My mum shrieked as she rushed forward and tried to pull me up.

"I'm so sorry." She cried as she looked at me, frail and close to death.

The next thing I know is a swirl of light and then I'm in the kitchen of Grimauld Place, gasping and struggling to hold on.

"SAGE!" My mum shrieked as my siblings pushed things of the kitchen table so I could be placed on it.

Mum and Dad no 2 rushed in closely followed by Del and Harry.

I hated every minute of it, everyone gathering round me and holding my hand as other people performed spells on me.

Tears fell from my eyes and I looked past peoples wandering eyes to the ceiling where black spots took over my vision and the last words I heard were.

"Hold on lamb".

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