Book 4 Chapter 12 Three Boys

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It had been a bit since the first task, it was now the start of December and I sat in an empty corridor watching the snow tumble down from the sky to create a thick blanket on the ground. I was finding the warm Gryffindor common room to noisy and crowded so decided to take refuge in the deserted corridor, refuge that didn't last long.

"What are you doing here Weasley?" Cho Chang snarled behind me waking me up from whatever dreamland I had been resting in.

"I could ask you the same Chang, I am shocked you will still dare go talk to me also." I replied half heartily really not awake enough for her babbling.

"However do you mean Weaslette? You surely can't be suggesting I am scared of you?" Cho giggled as I turned to face her ugly face.

"Well I am presuming that you should be scared considering the harm I can cause you with a blink of my pretty brown eyes." I smiled maliciously back causing Cho to take a large breath.

"I am not scared off someone as unfortunate as you, you are ugly with a poor family and Harry Potter broke up with you. If anything I feel sorry for you." Cho stated as I felt tears brim in my eyes but I did well to hide.

"Sorry did I touch a nerve, stupid blood traitor." Cho laughed just before another person turned round the corner.

"How dare you be so rude to Blue, if anyone is unfortunate then it is you with that dreadful nose of yours. When I arrived at this school me and my friends thought she was a Veela. And as for her families wealth it is no concern of yours and money doesn't mean anything. Now leave before I do something I will regret!" The usually sweet voice of Fleur Delacour shouted from the end of the hallway. Cho immediately scrambled not so gracefully off.

"Thanks Fleur, you aren't what I expected you to be." I thanked as she came to take a seat beside me.

"It's fine I hate that bitch anyway, she's just jealous. What did you think I would be like?" Fleur giggled causing me to wipe my tears and laugh also.

"Well I always thought the girls at Beauxbatons were mean and full of them selves. You all carry your selves with such pride and elegance it is hard to believe until you actually talk to one that you aren't just a barbie doll. I am glad you are kind Fleur, you have beauty on the outside and beauty within which is the best kind. Cho has neither." I ranted causing Fleur to laugh and pull me into a sisterly hug.

"I have a question, what is a barbie doll?" Fleur asked in her french accent.

"Oh... it is a muggle toy that are perfect pretty blonde girls. My best friends Hermione Granger is muggleborn so I spent most of first year playing with them." I explained as she smiled gratefully at me.

"You remind me of my little sister Gabrielle, so innocent and sweet. Now I must be off before Madam Maxine realises I ever left." Fleur said as she got up gracefully and glided swiftly away.


"Mails here." I said from my seat in the great hall. It was the next morning and me, Del, Ron, Mione, Gin and much to the awkwardness Harry were sat in the great hall eating our breakfast.

"Wait is that Errol?" Ginny chimed as our old family owl swooped down clumsily dropping a package in front of Ron and landing in my cereal bowl.

"It's for me! Oh it must be for you Blue." Ron said as he pulled open the package and held up some old dress robes to his chest.

"I am not wearing that it is ghastly!" I screeched looking at the old tatty robes that look like the clothes my aunt muriel wears.

"There not for Blue there for you. There dress robes!" Mione laughed as Ron's face turned the same shade as his hair and he found his shoes pretty interesting.

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