Book 2 Chapter 2 Water Warrior

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"Hi I'm Asphodel but everyone calls me Del."

Me and Harry went to stand next to Mione, I was still blushing but when I heard the pop of apparition I turned round swiftly smiling at the girl opposite me. She had dark brown hair and icy blue eyes, she was really pretty. "Hi I'm Blue!" I squealed shaking the girls hand. "Hi I'm Asphodel but everyone calls me Del." She replied smiling at me. "This is Fred and George, Ron who is my twin and Percy is upstairs." I rushed. "Bill and Charlie our other brother's don't live with us anymore and this is Lee and Angelina who are Fred and George's best friends." I rushed again looking at Asphodel who was looking quite shocked. " Then this is Ginny my little sister and my best friend Hermione." I said smiling at a poor Asphodel who was trying to take everything in. "And this is my Harry!" I chirped smiling up at Harry who was smirking down at me. The boys all looked rather confused whilst Mione tried to stifle a giggle. "Well it is lovely to meet you all!" Asphodel practically sang grinning from ear to ear with happiness that we were all nice people. I grabbed her hand and Mione's and dragged them inside whilst Ginny trailed behind. We quickly greeted Mum and Dad then went to mine and Ginny's room which Asphodel will live in too. "Your Harry?" Mione giggled. "I meant to say my best friend Harry, but I got over Excited and forgot!" I shouted going red. "Ok!" Mione said still giggling. "Why don't we all go to the lake and play Water Warrior!" Ginny said smiling at me. "That is the best idea ever! Do you have swimming costumes?" I questioned looking between Mione and Asphodel. They both nodded so I sprinted out of my room knocking on Ron's door. Harry opened it smiling down at me and letting me in. George, Lee and Ron were in here too. "We were wondering if you would like to come down to the lake with us to play Water Warrior?" I questioned excited about getting down and playing. "Sure!" They chorused smiling at me as I left the room. I then found Angelina and Fred in the living room snogging so I cleared my throat. "What do you want can't you see I'm busy?" Fred said rather harshly glaring at me. I quickly explained the plan which they agreed too and left them alone again. I ran back to my room pulling on my red bikini then ran out again knocking on Ron's door. "What do you think you are doing walking around the house dressed like that!" Ron whispered looking me up and down with a look of slight disgust. "Charming aren't we!" I taunted mirroring his facial expression. "Anyway I came for some T shirts that we can wear for coverups." I said sweetly. Ron sighed left for a second then came back with four T shirts of his and one of Harry's which I immediately pulled on. "Thanks Ron!" I chirped heading back to my room where the girls were waiting for me.

Once we were all dressed we left my room and ran outside. The boys and Angelina were waiting for us and Harry smirked when he saw I had picked out his T shirt. "It suits you." Harry said smirking even more. "So does everyone know how to play?" I said when we were all down at the lake. Everyone nodded pulling off their cover ups and jumping in the lake. I pulled of Harry's T shirt and dived into the lake, my skin prickled as the cold water hit it and I swam up for air. When I broke the water I flipped my hair not thinking much of it. "Oooo someone's showing off!" Fred and George shouted as I felt my face going red. "Shut up!" I shouted making a fireball. They quickly backed down and everyone got into partners. Fred and Angelina, Lee and Ginny, Mione and Ron, Me and Harry and George and Asphodel who seemed to really like each other. I climbed on Harry's shoulders and began fighting Mione who I pushed of within thirty seconds. Me and Harry won every match and are the raining champions! Once we were all bored we all got out and sat on the bank of the lake and talked for hours until it was time for dinner. I pulled on Harry's T shirt and he gave me a piggy back to the burrow where mum was waiting with a raised eyebrow. "You were supposed to be back half an hour ago!" Mum sighed but she wasn't really annoyed. "Sorry Mummy we lost track of time." I said innocently but she did a double take when she saw me on Harry's back but never said anything of it.

After dinner me, Mione, Asphodel,Ginny and Angelina went to my room. "We should play truth or dare!" Asphodel squealed as we all started to smile and nod. By now I had worked out Asphodel was a confident and daring girl that would probably snog someone in the middle of the great hall and not be embarrassed one bit but she is also really kind and loyal. "I will go first, Blue truth or dare?" Asphodel questioned with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Truth." I replied confidently thinking what is the worst they could ask. "Do you or do you not like
Harry? No lying!" Asphodel giggled looking at my shocked face. "I like him." I whispered sheepishly while everyone roared with laughter. "My turn Del, truth or dare?" I questioned at a still giggling Asphodel. "Truth!" She shouted. "Do you or do you not like George? No lying!" I smirked. "I like him!" Asphodel chirped a lot more confident then me but that is Del I guess. We carried on playing for ages then it was my turn again. "Blue, truth or dare?" Asphodel asked whilst I contemplated my answer. "Dare!" I said not wanting to be asked anymore personal questions. "I dare you to go and kiss Harry!" Del laughed at my shocked face. "You have to do it!" She said making everyone else laugh even harder. I decided to just be daring and do it rather then face Del reminding me for the rest of my life that I was a coward. I got up and marched to Ron's room with all the girls behind me. They were all dotted about the room but Harry was stood in the centre. I walked up to him and kissed him until I heard my brother's shouting. "That's my little sister!" Fred shouted. "Relax it was just a dare!" Del shouted back. I was blushing like crazy and so was Harry then all of a sudden we all started laughing and acted like nothing ever happened. We all fell to sleep in Ron's room that night. Mione in Ron's arms, Del in George's, Angelina in Fred's and me in Harry's. It's safe to say Mum was not happy when she found us.

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