Book 4 Chapter 18 The Meadow

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I looked up at the ceiling of the great hall, it was only a day until the second task and I could see the same candle flickering so badly that it was like it had been blown out then relight in the blink of an eye.

It was getting worse and worse and the image from my exam clouded my vision. I could hear the painful cries of people but mine were the loudest.

"Hey! Earth to Blue!" Del shouted as she waved her hand in front my face.

"Sorry, I was in a dream world." I laughed trying to hide my worries.

I hadn't slept in like a week, I was terrified and had an awful feeling about the third task. Not only was I worrying about Cedric I was also worrying about Viktor, Fleur and Harry. Why do I always have to get close to people?

I still haven't spoken to my family outside of Hogwarts since my howler. I was giving them the silent treatment and still furious.

"How are you feeling Harry, prepared?" Mione bugged for the a hundredth time.

"As prepared as I will ever be given the circumstances." Harry muttered and I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"You will be fine Harry, you always are." Ron said reassuringly as we all smiled sheepishly at him.

"I know I am dead meat, you are all so bad at acting." Harry groaned.

"I wouldn't worry Harry, the nargles say you will be ok." Luna said dreamily before resuming her conversation with Gin and Nev.

"Well I best go to bed and prepare for the future the nargles wish me to have!" Harry chirped with a hint of sarcasm in his voice before he walked off.

Cho Chang watched him get up and begin to walk of so she pounced from the ravenclaw table and rushed after him.

"What a twat." Ron laughed as we watched Cho desperately cling to Harry's arm.

"It's like she is wanting her little, black heart to be broken." Del laughed grimly as they disappeared from view.

I tossed and turned to whole night. Negative thoughts danced around my head and my heart raced dramatically as I desperately tried to focus on anything else. But I just couldn't.

I finally fell to sleep after I had been looking up at one spot on my ceiling for so long my eyes stung and my head hurt.

I woke up early that morning with dark circles under my eyes and chapped lips. I looked like death.

"Morning!" Mione chirped to happily for my liking.

"I am going down to breakfast I need to see Cedric." I muttered as I finished off covering my dark circles and walked out the room.

I walked down the cold corridors of Hogwarts that were almost deserted except the odd little sad kid who was up studying for no apparent reason.

"Lamb!" I head Cedric cheer as I walked over to him in the great hall.

"Hey Sheep!" I laughed back as he picked me up and spun me around planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Are you ok sweetheart? You look upset." Cedric asked as he stroked my cheek gently.

"I'm ok don't worry." I giggled hiding my fear for his benefit.

"Good because I have an important day planned."Cedric  said in an sheepish voice.

"Well obviously you do, you have the third task." I replied as I took a seat at the hufflepuff table with him.

"No something else, you will see." Cedric said as a slight blush graced his perfect face.

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