Book 3 Chapter 16 I Promise

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I jumped of the train at Kingscross and ran into my parents out stretched arms. "My baby you have grown so much." Mum cried as she pulled me closer to her. She pulled away tears in her eyes and then moved onto the next child. Uncle Sirius was stood right next to them and they had just been talking like old friends. "Uncle Sirius!" I squealed jumping into his arms after Del did. "How are my girls was the journey ok?" Sirius asked looking at us all with pride. "It was great I ate six chocolate frogs and have the merlin chocolate frog card to add to my collection!" I chirped as he chuckled at my excitement. "I have just been speaking to your parents and Blue you are coming to stay this weekend, they have all the details. Mione, Ron and Gin feel free to join also." Sirius smiled as I jumped up and down with excitement. "There is a few things before we go our separate ways I need to ask. What themed room do you want and furniture and stuff?" Sirius asked as if this wasn't his best subject. "How about a bohemian room with plants and tapestries." Del suggested as I nodded vigorously. "We should have a photo wall too!" I said quite loudly earning confused stares from people. "That sounds great girls, what would you like your room to look like Harry?" Sirius asked as Harry looked taken aback. "Could I have a Gryffindor room if it isn't too much trouble?" Harry asked hesitantly as Sirius laughed and ruffled Harry's hair. "Off cause Harry, stop being so polite we are family." Sirius said pulling Harry into a bone crushing hug.

Me and Harry ran through the barrier together like tradition if one of us hasn't fucked up that year. "Blue can I talk to you for a second?" Harry asked nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Sure!" I chirped as he took my hand and led me behind a pillar. We stood in silence for a minute awkwardly looking at each other. "Just spit it out Harry, please tell me you are not breaking up with me for Cho." I cried as my heart sank. "Off cause not it is actually the complete opposite really." Harry said quickly. He bent down on one knee and pulled out a little red box, he opened it to reveal a dainty but beautiful Pearl ring. "Harry aren't we a bit young, don't get me wrong I love you more then anything but we are thirteen." I blabbered getting nervous but ecstatic at the same time. "If you would let me explain I would tell you that this is a promise ring which means I will love you forever and will one day get down on my knee again and ask you to marry me. Will you except my promise?" Harry asked bringing tears to my eyes. "Off cause I will Harry!" I squealed as he stood up and slipped the ring onto my finger.

The ring -

After that we kissed until a throat cleared behind us causing us to break apart and look around hesitantly

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After that we kissed until a throat cleared behind us causing us to break apart and look around hesitantly. The whole family was there with Sirius smirking in the middle. "Enjoying yourselves are we? Well I am very sorry to stop you snogging but it is time to go home." Sirius laughed as he grabbed Del's hand and pulled Harry along. "I love you Harry see you at the weekend!" I shouted as Sirius dragged him away. "Love you too Blue!" Is all Harry could shout before Sirius apparaited to 12 Grimauled Place, their new home.

When we got back to the the burrow I could feel the presence of Del missing but it soon went away when I received a letter

Dear my amazing sister Blue,

Everything is great here, Dad is walking about the house singing as him and the house elf clear up a bit. Harry is over the moon but I keep catching him staring at a picture of you. Anyway I have wrote this letter because I know that right now you are probably missing me since I am bloody brilliant but I miss you too and we will see each other soon. I have found loads of baby photos and it seems me, you and Harry were quite the trio in our early years. We can get started on properly decorating our room at the weekend but until then don't mope about and enjoy your summer.

Love your amazing sister Del x

PS. Harry says hi!

I finished reading and giggled. After that I left my room for dinner and was greeted by the sight of Charlie and Jamie. "Charlie, Jamie!" I squealed as I ran up and hugged them. "Alright Blue!" Jamie squealed back and then I looked down and saw she had a stomach that she didn't have last time I saw her. "Don't worry I am not chubby I am pregnant!" She chirped as I screamed and hugged the both of them again. "Can we have a baby shower, me and the girls can organise?" I pleaded as she looked at me proudly. "I would love that you are too kind Blue, how do I deserve a sister in law as amazing as you?" Jamie chuckled as she pulled me into a tight hug. "I am pretty wonderful!" I laughed sitting down at the table.

We were talking happily until Ginny grabbed my left hand and examined it. "ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED?" She shouted loudly as everyone looked at me then began to talk all at one. "BE QUIET! I am not getting married, Harry gave me a promise ring." I shouted over everyone casting them into silence. "Aww that is sweet." Mum cried as she looked at the ring. "Pearl, that is beautiful, he chose well." Jamie squealed. We went back to eating happily again.

When me and mum were the only ones left since I offered to help clean up I decided to start a conversation. "Mum am I named after anyone?" I asked as she smiled to herself then turned to me. "Yes you are Blue, a girl in my third year that I met is who you are named after. I didn't see her anymore after the first time I met her but somehow she seemed to tell the future really well. She was odd though she called me Mum." Mum said with a dreamy look on her face as I face palmed. I was named after me basically. "Do you have a picture?" I questioned smiling to myself as Mum pulled open the junk draw and handed me a faded picture. It was of the marauders and musketeers with me in the middle. I then pulled out my copy of the picture and mum gasped when she saw it. "Where did you get that? There was only four copies: mine, Lily's, Amortentia's and Bluebell's." Mum questioned with a shocked expression on her face. I couldn't hold it in anymore and began to laugh violently. "You gave it to me, I told you we would see each other again didn't I?" I laughed as she gave me a scared look. "You were Bluebell, that was what was with the future and the mum, but how?" Mum questioned sitting down and stroking my face. "The time turners." I smiled triumphantly as mum shed a tear and pulled me into a hug. "You really are her, I should be angry because you abused the time turner privileges but if you hadn't I would never had plucked up the courage to go and talk to your father. Thank you." Mum sobbed with happy tears. "You are very welcome mum, night night!" I chirped before I left the room and went to bed. I dreamt happily that night, not a fantasy dream but a dream about my family that was now bigger.

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