Book 3 Chapter 11 Ginny

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It was a couple days after the quidditch match against Ravenclaw and everyone was still celebrating. Cho Chang would barge me in the corridors but I don't care since she is just jealous of what she can't and will never have, Harry. It was about half eleven one night and me, Mione, Del and Ginny were still awake and talking. "How are you and Ron then Mione?" I asked as everyone giggled except Mione who turned into a tomato. "I still really like him but I don't want to tell him." Mione more or less whispered. "Well man up Mione and just tell him!" Del practically shouted as we all hushed her. "In Mione's defence Del, that is the same excuse I used about liking Harry for two years so I can't hold it against her." I said softly earning a kind smile from Mione and a playful glare from Del. "Well when I realised I liked George I didn't wait around!" Del argued. "Well you are just a lot more confident then me and Mione." I argued back. It was through the hole exchange that I noticed Ginny was pretty quite and it reminded me of when the diary possessed her last year. I quickly pushed the thought from my mind and decided to talk to her. Del and Mione got into bed signalling that the fun was over and they were going to sleep. "Gin are you ok?" I asked as she sat on her bed. "I'm fine I just feel very confused about something." Ginny said dreamily as if she wasn't really in it. "Is it about Neville I have noticed you are spending a lot of time with him?" I asked quietly so Del and Mione couldn't hear. "No it isn't about Nev we are just friends, it is someone else." Ginny whispered but her eyes glazed over and she looked completely heart broken. "Come with me Gin we are going for a walk." I ordered as I pulled her off the bed. "We can't go for a walk at this time!" Ginny said as I handed her her trainers. "Well I said we can and I am your older sister so suck it up!" I demanded. We walked in silence so not to attract Filch or Mrs Norris who were patrolling the corridors. When we got outside I sat under my favourite tree that faces the black lake and pulled Ginny down with me.

"So who is it you like then?" I asked watching Ginny stare out to the lake and breath in the fresh air. "I can't tell you, you might not like me anymore and think I am weird." Ginny said as she began to let tears run down her cheeks. "Gin listen to me, you could kill someone and I would still love you, you are my little sister and I will never not like you!" I said and for some reason I began to cry too. I don't know what it was but I felt the need to cry I always do when I see Ginny in pain, I hate to see her suffer. "I am in love with Luna, I like girls and I think that is why I kissed Harry in the chamber because I was confused and didn't understand but I understand now that I am gay." Ginny cried as she looked at me cautiously. "Ginny you should of just told me I could have helped you, all this time that you have been confused and upset you should have just come to me." I said as I pulled her into a hug and then she started sobbing. "So you don't think I am weird you still love me?" Ginny sobbed but looked like a massive weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "Of cause I still love you Gin and you are not weird at all, you are the same as you have always been just know you are in love." I said back as I brushed the tears of her face. "Thank you Blue for being the best sister and always being here for me." Ginny said pulling me into another hug. "Have you told Luna how you feel?" I asked as we both calmed down and looked out over the lake again. "I haven't told her but I think she knows since we kissed." Ginny giggled as she turned the same shade of red I turn when I get asked about Harry. "Ooooo when will it be official?" I asked as I summoned us some snacks from our dormitory. "I don't know because I don't know how people will react to it." Ginny said as she opened a chocolate frog. "Well Gin if they don't like it then they can fuck off and kiss a dementor because they don't deserve to have someone as amazing as you in their life!" I said which made her grin. "Don't worry about our family either because we will always support you and I can guarantee that!" I chanted. We talked for a bit longer about random things and then we both started to get tired so we headed back to our dormitory.

We walked in through the portrait and were engulfed in worried chatter and cries. "Oh thank god they are here and safe!" Mione and Del cried in unison as they ran forward and hugged us both. Everyone was in the common room and even Mcgnagall was here. "I was so worried I thought I had lost my two sisters again!" Ron shouted but let his anger melt away when we pulled him and Fred and George into a tight Weasley hug. Harry ran over next with watery eyes and it looked like he had been crying. He pulled me into a wordless hug and kissed me on the forehead. "I am sorry to break this up but care to tell me where you have been at this hour under the current circumstances?" Mcgnagall shouted making everyone go silent. "We went for a walk because Gin had to tell me something regarding a delicate subject!" I shouted back getting annoyed. "Well Sirius Black broke into your room looking for me I think and when he woke Mione and Del up they thought he had kidnapped you both." Harry said calmly to me and Ginny. "If this subject was so important that you had to risk your life like that then it is good enough to tell us what it is!" Snape shouted and it was only then that I noticed him and Dumbledore were sat in here too but Snape had watery eyes. "It really isn't any off your business what me and my sister discuss!" I shouted back. "If you don't tell me right now I will give you a truth potion!" He shouted back. "It was a private family matter that does not regard you why won't you leave it alone?" I sobbed which made Snape stop and look at me with concern. "I am so sorry Lily I didn't mean to make you cry." Snape said softly pulling me into an awkward hug. I was so shocked at this point that it took me a minute to register what he just called me. "It is ok Professor but I am not called Lily." I said quietly. Snape looked at me in shock and then ran out of the portrait hole quickly. "Thanks for not telling but are you ok Snape just hugged you?" Ginny said so only I could hear her. "Professor Dumbledore who is Lily?" I asked as Dumbledore looked at me with shock as if he had seen a ghost, Mcgnagall was looking at me the same way. "Lily Evans." Dumbledore said quietly but Harry finished it off for him. "My mum." Harry said pulling me into a hug.

Everyone walked down to the great hall where we would all be sleeping until the teachers had made sure Sirius Black had gone. Sleeping bags had been magically placed all over the floor so me, Harry, Del, Mione, Ginny, Ron and the twins got some next to each other. "That was so weird." I muttered to the group so Percy wouldn't hear us. "You did look just like Harry's mum though, you have always looked similar but you look more and more like her by the day." Mione whispered back. "I am so sorry Harry." I said looking at him hesitantly but he was grinning at me. "Why are you sorry? I think it is cool that you are like her." Harry chirped which earned a glare from Percy. "Your eyes went gold as well Blue which was pretty odd." Del whispered. "It must be a new power I didn't know I had, why am I so weird?" I said which made everyone giggle. After that we went to sleep until I was awoken.

I woke up to hear the warm, kind voice of Dumbledore and the cold voice of Snape but his voice was different and it was laced with sadness. "Well it has proved my theory." Dumbledore whispered. "She is so much like Lily it is scary." Snape whispered back and I could feel their eyes on me so I clamped my eyes shut. "Well she will be like dear Lily since she holds two things of hers." Dumbledore whispered back. I was about to find out the reason I could do all the things I could and I knew it had something to do with Lily Potter. "What two things are they?" Snape asked quietly. "I can't tell you hear, who knows who is awake and listening?" Dumbledore said. I could hear them walking away and I cursed anyone in this room who was awake and just ruined my chances at hearing why I am so odd. I guess I am one step closer to finding out the truth though and Lily Potter had something to do with it.

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