Book 1 chapter 7 Christmas at Hogwarts

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I saw Blue slip down the stairs, her wavy hair was floating as he skipped and she was smiling happily to something Mione had just said.

I woke up bright and early on the 23rd of September to help Mione pack to spend Christmas with her family. Me and Ron were staying at Hogwarts this Christmas because Mum and Dad were visiting Charlie and his new girlfriend Jamie in Romania. After helping Mione pack I got changed into some black skinny and Harry's jumper that I had kept but not worn again yet. We walked down the stairs where Ron and Harry sat waiting for us. When Harry saw what I was wearing he raised an eyebrow. "That's where my jumper went." Harry teased. "Well it's mine now!" I giggled back helping Mione carry her trunk out the portrait hole

Harry's POV

I was waiting for Blue and Mione at the bottom of their staircase when I saw Blue slip down the stairs, her wavy hair was floating as she skipped and she was smiling happily to something Mione had said. Then I noticed she was wearing my jumper so I raised an eyebrow at her trying to play it cool but ecstatic inside. "That's where my jumper went." I teased as she came to stand infront of me. "Well it's mine now!" She giggled making the sweetest sound I had ever heard. Even though we were not together I felt like she was mine, it might of been the fact she doesn't look at any of the other boys even though they all definitely look at her or the fact that she will randomly hold my hand when she is nervous but it was mainly the fact that she was wearing my jumper which said potter in big bold writing on the back.

Blue's POV

I skipped into the great hall and started eating my cornflakes, the boys were at the other side of the table talking to Fred and George so me and Mione were alone. "You do realise that jumper says Potter on the back?" Mione states whilst a realised why everyone kept looking me up and down funny then smirking. "Oh my god I had no idea, that's why everyone keeps smirking at me." I replied whilst Mione laughed. The boys came and sat down so we didn't talk anymore on the subject. "So Mione what are you doing for Christmas?" Ron asked looking at Mione in awe, I had noticed in the past couple of weeks that Ron had developed a crush for Mione but she didn't realise yet. "We are going skiing it is a muggle sport." Mione said buttering her toast. We sat and ate in silence until we had all finished. "Right I better go." Mione said it was only then that I noticed that the great hall was now more or less empty. "Have a great Christmas Mione I am going to miss you so much!" I said pulling her into a hug. "I will miss you too Blue, we are like sisters now and it will be weird to be without you." She replied. She then hugged Harry and Ron then left us in the great hall.

I awoke at 7:00 am on Christmas Day already grinning from ear to ear. There was a pile of parcels at the end of my bed so I grabbed them all and made my way to Harry and Ron's room so we could open them together. Seamus, Dean and Neville had left for Christmas so it was just Ron and Harry. They were both still fast asleep so I climbed on Harry's bed and started jumping and shouting. "Merry Christmas!" They both woke up smiling at me then grabbed their presents. I had got Ron a hamper of all his favourite sweets and Harry quidditch through the ages since it was the only book he ever read and the librarian was getting sick of him renewing it. "Thanks Blue it's amazing!" Harry said smiling at his brand new copy of his favourite book. I got a Weasley jumper and some sweetest from Mum, Dad and Ginny, some sweets from my brothers, mione got me loads of muggle fiction books to read but Harry's was the best gift anyone had ever gotten me. I opened the little box which revealed a beautiful ring with a blue stone to match my name. " I hope you like it it is your birthstone." Harry said sheepishly. " Oh Harry it is the best most beautiful gift anyone has ever gotten me!" I cried hugging him tightly and kissing him on the cheek. I slipped the ring on my finger and looked up to see a blushing Harry and a smirking Ron. I went back to my dorm to change into a long sleeved red dress that was perfect for Christmas and my silver heels. I curled my hair and put on more makeup than usual since I put on a bit of eyeliner. I looked at myself in the mirror feeling pretty and walked down into the common room. Harry and Ron were talking but when they saw me walking down the stairs they stopped and smiled. "You look beautiful Blue!" Harry said so grabbed his hand and we walked down to the great hall for Christmas lunch.

Harry and Ron were wearing jeans and their new Weasley jumpers. As soon as I pushed open the doors to the great hall still holding Harry's hand I could smell Turkey. "Merry Christmas, since there is not many students we are all going to sit on one table." Dumbledore greeted us in an even more jolly tone then normal then he looked down at Mike and Harry's interlocked hands and smiled even more. "Merry Christmas sir!" We all chanted taking seats by Fred, George and Percy. The lunch was amazing until desert when Fred said very loudly. "Nice ring Blue who got it for you?" With a cheeky smile. "Harry got it for me." I said determined not to blush since the whole table had gone silent and was now looking at us. "Oooooo!" Fred and George shouted in unison while everyone at the table laughed except me and Harry who suddenly found out feet rather interesting. "Blue is blushing, are you two ickle love birds in love?" George snickered while everyone went silent and awaited my response, honestly some people are so nosy you could cut the tension in that room with a knife I thought of an easy way out. "Shut up!" I said giving my signature glare to the twins and forming a ball of fire in my hands. They looked at me and the glare then to the fire, gulped and didn't bother me about Harry again that day.

Harry's POV

As Blue walked down the stairs she looked so amazing I just had to tell her. "You look beautiful Blue!" I said nervous about her response, she looked at me and I had once again gotten lost in her eye she then grinned at me and held my hand pulling me through the portrait hole. I looked over at Ron who seemed rather pleased at the fact me and Blue were holding hands but I guess better me than some idiot who will just break her heart. Blue opened the doors and all eyes were on me and her I even saw Dumbledore wink at us. We were all perfectly happy until the twins started asking questions about the ring but when they asked if we were in love I was completely shocked. I looked over at Blue who was blushing like crazy but she made an easy escape with a fireball. But still she didn't deny it.

Blue's POV
The rest of the day was spent lounging around talking and having fun. We all fell to sleep that night in the common room and when I woke up I was wrapped in Harry's arms.

As for out little mystery we worked out that the thing Fluffy was guarding was the Philosophers stone from the back of a chocolate frog card. We were going to wait for Mione to come back though until we do anything about it.

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