Book 2 Chapter 5 Quiditch

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"Blue is on fire today, she has scored again!"

It had been a week or so since the chamber had been opened and it was the morning of the first quidditch match of the year. We had found out Malfoy bought his way on the team and we now knew what the chamber of secrets was. Nobody new who it was that had opened it but it had all muggleborns across the school terrified for their lives. We did have some ideas though as to who was the air of Slytherin and Draco Malfoy seemed to be the best bet. Me and Mione were brewing a polyjuice potion to use to get into the Slytherin common room and interrogate Malfoy but it would take a month to brew so we just have to hope nobody gets prettified between now and then. "Wake up you have Quidditch you lazy git!" Del shouted shaking me awake. I got up and wobbled to the bathroom to get ready. I got changed and did my makeup then Del came in too pull my hair back into a neat bun with only a thew wavy strands escaping to frame my face. I strutted down the stairs with Del, Mione and Ginny chanting. "GO GO GRYFFINDOR!" Very loudly. Del ran over to George pecking him on the lips, they had been together for a week now and seemed to really like each other. "Morning." Harry and Ron sighed still half asleep. "Morning!" I sang very much awake.

After breakfast we walked down to the Quidditch pitch, me, Harry, Fred and George separating from the others to go to the changing room where Oliver was rambling tactics. Finally we were in our positions waiting for Madam Hooch to throw the quaffle in the air. Her yellow and hawk like eyes scanned everyone and then she threw the quaffle in the air. Mum, Dad, Bill and Charlie had come to watch us and Charlie had brought his girlfriend Jamie who I still hadn't met. "Blue has the quaffle again swerving past Flint and scoring, another ten points to Gryffindor!" Lee shouted from the commentators box. That had been the eighth time I had scored so far and we were winning by eighty points. "Blue is on fire today, she has scored again!" Lee shouted with pride in his voice that his house was winning yet again. The game went on a while longer until Harry caught the Snitch and was rolling on the floor trying to dodge a rogue bludger. "Bombarder!" I shouted making the bludger turn to ash. "Are you ok?" I said to Harry worriedly as I knelt by his side on the floor. "I think I have broken arm." Harry said but you could hear the pain on his voice. I brushed his hair out of his eyes as Lockhart
made his way towards us. "I can fix it!" Lockhart shouted making his way through the crowd. "No not you." Harry pleaded whilst Lockhart knelt on his other side and pocked at his arm. "You don't know what you are saying you have hit your head." Lockhart said talking to poor Harry like he was six.
Lockhart said a spell that was meant too fix the bone in Harry's arm but it actually removed the bones all together. "Well it's not Brocken anymore." Lockhart giggled whilst wobbling Harry's arm back and fourth.

Me and Harry walked to the hospital wing and Madam Pomphrey was not happy with the state of Harry's arm. "I can fix bones in heartbeat but growing them back is something else all together." She warned examining Harry's arm. "You can do it though?" I pleaded as my family and friends entered the hospital wing. "I can but it won't be easy, you are in for a very long and painful night Mr Potter!" Madam Pomphrey warned pouring a glass of skelegrow for Harry. "Yuch!" Harry shouted. "What did you except, Pumpkin Juice?" She taunted leaving for her office. I climbed into bed next to Harry looking up at my family and friends. "Hello!" I greeted. "You all did so well I am so proud!" Mum grinned as her eyes got a bit watery. "Hello squirt this is Jamie my girlfriend." Charlie said pulling him and Jamie towards me. "Hi!" I chirped shaking her hand and smiling up at her. "You are all very good at quidditch, I was a chaser when Charlie was a seeker!" She said whilst looking at Charlie happily, I could already tell they were very much in love and I liked her a lot. "And you must be Harry!" Jamie said shaking Harry's good hand and winking at the two of us. "Are you two darting?" Jamie giggled as me and Harry blushed. "No we are just best friends." I said innocently whilst Fred and George scoffed and Mione tried to stifle a giggle. "Sure just best friends, you both looked just like that at the burrow that night!" Ron shouted so everyone in the school could here. "What do you mean Ronald tell me." Mum said looking at me and Harry with an annoyed expression. "Just a little game of truth or dare but nothing crazy!" Fred laughed whilst my blush deepened to the darkest shade of red imaginable. "What did you do!" Mum shouted. "Molly don't we have to leave if we want to bake that cake in time?" Jamie said distracting mum and saving my life. "Oh yes right by dears we will see you at Christmas!" Mum called acting as if nothing ever happened and leaving the hospital wing. We all left a bit later leaving Harry to rest. "Thanks a lot for that you are nightmares the lot of you!" I shouted at my brothers as we made our way to the common room. They only laughed not evening giving me the respect of an answer.

Harry was out of the Hospital Wing the next day and said that Colin Creevey was taken into the hospital wing petrified last night and the teachers are very worried. "When will the Polyjuice Potion be ready?" Ron urged as Mione worked it out. "Sometime between the duelling club starting and the Christmas feast." Mione said looking worried for anyone petrified before then. "It will be fine they are sorting the cure out anyway." Del said patting Mione on the shoulder. "I know but I am still worried." Mione cried. We all left the great hall worried especially for Mione.

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